Today Taylor came in to our class to do a teaser activity with us for the Summer Learning Journey. We We had to choose out of 3 activities to do and the one I chose was the first one about Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, and had to come up with similes about her, here are mine :)
I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Day 2 Activity 1: Faster than a speeding bullet
Today Taylor came in to our class to do a teaser activity with us for the Summer Learning Journey. We We had to choose out of 3 activities to do and the one I chose was the first one about Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, and had to come up with similes about her, here are mine :)
Monday, 11 November 2019
Free Writing: Kapa Haka Nationals
Te Mana Kuratahi:
Last week, it was the big week. The big week that we have been having hard training's for. 6 months of training all came down to 1 week. Wednesday was the day it all came down to. 4:30am in the morning, early, early, early wake up. "Bang, bang, bang" first thing every morning you wake up. After karakia we had to wake and get ready for the big day. Girls were put in the mattress room, boys in the wharekai. "BOYS STAY IN THE WHAREKAI, GIRLS STAY IN THE MATTRESS ROOM!" that was the massive rule. "NO LEAVING YOUR CHAIRS EITHER" 2nd big rule. Getting ready was a hectic time especially for the girls. Get your hair done, get it curled (if needed), tamoko, put dress on. These isn't the order we done them but that was what we had to do. Skip to 8:40 everybody is freaking out. We done a silent run through before we left. 8:50 we left Te Ohaki Marae and went to Claudelands. 45 minutes later...
"We're here!" my nerves are running through my blood taking over, once I got to room 2 (changing room) I couldn't last long and I started balling my eyes out. My tears wouldn't stop crying until I hit the side of the stage. Walking on the stage, seeing all my family, made me less sad and made me more stronger ad confident in my self. 25 minutes...
Wooo it's all done 6 moths came down to 1 week, Wednesday, then to 25 minutes. It was a crazy ride with them. The haka tautoko really got to me and I didn't stop crying for about 20 minutes.
To end of I will just like to give encouragement, if you love something, push your self so that you can give it all you have. Also never join things for the trip or for friends, you do it for you.
Te Rau Pou Manawa, I love you guys to bits and it was the best. Te Rau Pou Manawa Ki Te Hoe!
Monday, 23 September 2019
Free Writing: Kapa Haka Wananga
For my free writing this week I will be talking about my wananga that had been help this weekend. Before I get into it I would like to say thank you to all the teachers and paretns that had helped out with breakfast, lunch, and dinner prep. Also to the tutors that gave up their family time this weekend to be with us :) Hope you enjoy this writing :)
Kapa Haka Wananga:
This past weekend I had a Kapa Haka Wananga with my group name Te Rau Pou Manawa. We have been working since Term 2 this year for when we go down to Waikato because we came 3rd place last year. So this wananga was one of the few wananga's we've had this week. Our last wananga was held at Oromahoe Marae. Sometimes we go to local marae's and sometimes we just stay at school. So this wananga was held at our School. It had started at 6pm on Friday night and ended 4pm on Sunday. I was unfortunately unable to attend Friday night for I was at a tangi. 2 of our kaihaka weren't there the whole weekend because they had also attended this wananga. This wananga we were missing a few people but we had to go on. We were missing 4 people. We had to learn this new part to our Whakawatea (Exit), we learned out to haka (haka voice), we had Matua Shane in for some singing, and on Sunday we had did transformations from item to item. This wananga was the best working ethic wananga we've had. Normally it would take us 1 block to get 1 transformation in. This weeked we got 2 in 1 block. It's that mind blowing but it's achievement and achievement is all our tutors want from us. This weekend was so fun, and I hope that we get more great wananga like this. We worked so hard that I lost my voice and I'm not able to speak properly.
Best wananga ever, keep up the great work everyone we are doing really well :)
Monday, 16 September 2019
Free Writing: Year 7 & 8's Ski Camp
Free Writing
Note: There are thing that I've missed and I couldn't do it all due to the time I was given, I will try and get a more detailed blog post about it. Hope you enjoy it :)
Ski Camp
Last (Week 8) some of the Yer 7 & 8's went to ski camp (me included). We have been having disco's, mufti's, hot lunche's, and many more fundraises to get there. Monday morning we were to be at the school at 7 0'clock so that we could leave the school at 7:30. When we got their we had to wait for the bus to get here, our bus drivers name was Opai ( I don't know how to spell it). He was the best driver ever. Anyways when he got there we had to put all our suit cases or bags that we had into the bottom of the bus, and we had to put all our foods that we had to take down to Ohakune as well. After the bus was packed we had to make sure that everyone was here and jump in our day groups. I was in Group 3 and my adult was Matua Rob. Talking bout the adults, our teacher helpers were, Whaea Dinks, Whaea Nga (my mum), Matua Anthony, Matua Paul, Matua Anaru, and Matua Rob. So everyone jumped into our day groups with our adult, pretty much we had a roll call. Once Roll was all marked we had a karakia then we hit the road straight after. First toilet break was in Welsford. Our first eating stop was at a park just before Auckland. We had our Morning Tea Break. We were just at a public park by the sea. Morning Tea was finish back on the bus we went. Next stop was in Otra Hola for our lunch Break. We visited an out side museum area where we learnt things about New Zealand, like kiwi slang. After that stop we didn't stop and just went straight to Ohakune where we stayed at a lovely lodge called Station Lodge. A few hours later...
It's now about 4:40 and we have arrived at the Station Lodge first impressions were like " That doesn't look like the picture!". But I was just glad that we made it. So we went into one of the lounges and Whaea Jess told everyone pour sleeping areas. Our next instruction were to get all our gear ready in our rooms for the next day, our first day of skiing. We slept on it and woke up the next day at 6:30 to start getting ready. Everyone was making sure they got all their gears so that we could go straight away but we had to have breakfast first. When we got their everybody's jaws dropped cause we had seen the snow coming down. The second day went pass nice and smoothly. The 4th day we went to the Army Museum to learn things about the army. We also had a lesson about cooking our food as if we were in the army. The next day no body was ready, it was home time, no body wanted to leave and go home. We all jumped on the bus and weren't that happy well I wasn't happy. This is not all of my ski camp experience there is more to it and I will probably do a more detailed blog post on it.
Monday, 2 September 2019
Free Writing: Term 3: Week 7
Netball Break Up Party:
On Saturday the 31st of August the Year 7 & 8 netball teams had our netball break up party. Our Schedule was 11 am at the Flip Out and the we get to the pools at 12. That didn't work out too well. Arona (Magic's coach) had send a message to Flip Out to tell them we were coming to place at 11 am and save us a spot, but when we arrived they had said that they never got our message and that the place is packed up. We either had to wait till 11 or 11:30. Of course we waited till 11;30 for more people to leave the place. When waiting we were jut taking pictures, and a man that worked at the place came and told us the rules about the place. Once 11:30 came we straight away went up but then Jess (My coach) said did the man tell you guys to go in ? and well we ran back down and asked him if were able to go in ad he said yes. We went in ad straight I went to jump of a obstacle and you guessed it, my legs fell asleep and I didn't land properly. Next time I jumped off I landed and carried on from there. I tried jumping onto a obstacle and hit my right knee on it and gave myself big bruise. After that my goal was to be able to land a front flip. I was able to do a front flip, but I wasn't able to land right on my feet. So I spent the last 30 minutes or so at Flip Out to focus on getting the locked in. Just as we were about to leave I cracked it. It's now 1 o'clock and we are on our way to the pools (Wave pools). We were there until 4 and it was my first time and I was so excited. A few times we left the pool and went to the spa. My day was overall I good day and I enjoyed my day. It was the best way to end the year with the 2 teams. ( I will do a separate post for photos)
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Free Writing: Term 3 Week 6: Fun Run
Monday this week we had our Fun Run for 2019. It was postponed to Monday from last week Thursday. When we got to school we had to go to our teachers to get our Year Run and house. I was the Year 12 run and my house was Waiomio. Like all Fun Runs or cross Countries there were points. It was 5 points if you ran, 10 points if you were in your colours, and 500 points if you get and adult to run with you.The day was so fun we had a mud fight and everyone was throwing mud at each other. We even threw some at the teachers. This is was my last Fun Run at Kawakawa Primary and I will never forget all of the memories. Here is a little video that my teacher made.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Move-a-thon for Ski Camp
Yesterday (Thursday 21 of August 2019) the Year 7 and 8's that are going to camp had a move-a-thon. If you don't know what a move-a-thon is, it is a challange where you have to be moving all day. Whaea Jess decided to make our hours from 8 am - 6 pm. 10 HOURS. Obviously not everyone can run for 10 hours straight soooo.... my teacher said to get into a group and each group will have shifts. I was in Group 1 so we were the first group up. We didn't start straight away. From 8am to 9am was everyone who was their to run. From 9am to 9:30 was our shift. There was a bit of a twist up with time and my group did 1 hour worth. What happen was, these 2 ladies came into Taumata to talk about a boy with special needs in our school and how we need to be around him. That really dragged out the time and no one could leave in that time. So since we missed Taumata we had to carry on until Whaea Jess didn't send up the next group, which like I said wasn't in a hour time. When we seen the next group come up we were cheering while we ran our last lap together for that shift. Our next shift wasn't until Lunch time which was 1pm - 1:30 pm. That wasn't as hard and it was much more better than our hour. So school finished and anyone who could stay would had to stay until 6 to finish. We weren't always going to run so we had some games of king ball and last mand standing, and we also did some fitness. Ofcourse your wondering what the prize, well we were fundraising for our camp so we had to get sponsors and if we stopped running or moving then all the money would have to go back to the families. Over all it was a fun day and I would love to have the day again.
Term 3: Week 3 - Week 5 Publish Writing
Publish Writing
For the past 3 weeks we have been focusing of bees and for writing of course you guessed it, we did bees. So the way our writing works is still how we did coming to the end of last term. We have 3 types of writing, we pick one, and we work on that writing for 3 weeks. We have 2 weeks for writing, by week 3 you should be finish and start publishing on the last week. I chose report because it's my favourite type of writing. My weakness in all of my writing is my introduction, and this time it was much or easier, now I struggled with my conclusion, so if it is not my introduction then it's my conclusion.
Publishing: Publishing is when we have to make our writing look good for a presentation, I put mine on a slide. I know your wondering how did you fit all of your work on a slide. I had to set my page up and made it 12 x 16 inches. Here is mine finish piece...Hope you enjoy :)
Friday, 16 August 2019
Term 3: Week 4: Technology at Hukerenui
On Tuesday we had our Tech day which we have every Thursday. I am in the cooking class and we visited China and Thailand. For China we made Stir Fry and Rice, and for Thailand we made some Thailand Coconut Cookies. I wasn't cooking as much I was mainly just doing dishes cause apparently I burn the food. Making these dishes was fun and really funny. My favourite was making the Coconut biscuits, they felt more like Pancakes but after setting they hardened a bit. We also didn't have enough coconut so you really couldn't see it. This Tech is my 2nd favourite, my 1st favourite was my first week when we made Chi-sh and Cesar salad. This week was amazing I can't wait for Next week.
Orientation Day at Bay Of Island College
This week Wednesday was the Orientation for the Year 8's. Orientation Day is when Year 8's go to the Bay Of Islands College and we have a day there to see what it's like in a day at college. When we went it was our school, Motatau School, Pakaraka School, and Russel School. Our school was the biggest group. When we got their we had to have Taumata with them. After Taumata the college kids left the whare and went and did work and us Year 8's had to stay and learn whakapapa about the school Marae. This learning part was our first period. Matua Dean Prime told us the carbings about the marae, and Whaea Jazz also played some games with us. After 1st period was our second period and we had Sewing. The teachers name for the class was Mrs Nane. This was unfortunately her last year and she was privileged to spend the day with us before she retired. We learnt how to print on to fabric, and did some work on the sewing machine. After 2nd period was Interval (Morning tea) and man can I tell you, it was so boring, everybody just stands around and eats. I think it was just because I was by the front of the college and most of the people were at the back. Interval is all done and now we are going into Digital Technology which was held in the Library. We learned how to make an animation On Pixel with only using 3 slides. 4th period we had Music with Mrs Luvridge (I don't know how to spell her name) and Chase. We learnt how to play Em and A on piano and Guitar. After learning we had some of the students show us what they have been learning. We finished a bit too early so Miss decided to play Guess he Disney Movie. She would play a song from a Disney Movie and we will have to guess which Movie it was. After Music was Lunch. That was much funner and there more laughs. I was hanging out with the Year 9's that were at my school. After Lunch I was sweaty and happy, and then the fact that our 5th period was with cooking and we couldn't cook made me so down and sad. But we did paper work about types of food. Once 5th period was all done we had to go to the Library to meet up with everyone before we ended our day. The Orientation was overall the best experience, I do recommended coming to Bay for Orientation day. I can't wait to be a guide for a group next year.
Monday, 12 August 2019
Term 3: Week 4 Free Writing: Wananga at Motatau Marae.
Free Writing:
For my free writing this week I will be sharing to you guys about my lovely time at Motatau Marae. Before I get into the details of the trip, I would like to say thank you to, Arona and Matua Alb for helping get to Motatau Marae this weekend, and also to Matua Horrace and Whaea Raiha for being such great Tutors. Whaea Jess for helping us get here. Lastly to all the parents and teachers that gave up their weekend to help in the kitchen. Now for the writing...
This pass weekend my Kapa Haka Group had a wananga. For our Kapa Haka group this wananga was really special because we went to a local marae. We did have a 3 day wananga so the day I will be talking about is Friday night (When we first arrived). So at 5:20 we had to meet up at school just so that we knew who was here and who wasn't. Once we did the roll call, we started loading up the 2 vans and few other cars that decided to help out. My parents helped with carting people out so in our car was, Roxy, Eva, My dad, My mum, and I. So on the way there it was a pretty laughable ride, we were talking Pig Latin, we were singing, and we were talking about some funny and sad times. When we arrived to the Marae we had to wait for everyone to get here so that we could have a powhiri for us to go in. One of the kaikaranga was actually a kaihaka (member) of our roopu, she did it because she was from there. Before we got called on we had a little by Anaru (Carney's dad) about where to stand and what to do when we get in there. A few minutes later... the powhiri is all finish and now we are starting to get ready for a talk that we got from a man about how Motatau Marae links to where our nationals is. I don't remember that much about the stories. I do remember one of the patterns that he explained to us, which the cry of an Albatross. The story is God gave a man a bird and told him when you got of the bird you must thank the bird before you do anything else because, the bird was taking the man to go visit his family after a few years not seeing them. The man got of the bird and the man ran straight to the family gave them a big hug, and then he turned around and said Thank You. The bird cried so that was the story of the pattern. So that was our welcome into Motatau Marae it was such a great experience, and I would like to say Thank to all the people mentioned before for all their support they gave for us for this weekend.
For my free writing this week I will be sharing to you guys about my lovely time at Motatau Marae. Before I get into the details of the trip, I would like to say thank you to, Arona and Matua Alb for helping get to Motatau Marae this weekend, and also to Matua Horrace and Whaea Raiha for being such great Tutors. Whaea Jess for helping us get here. Lastly to all the parents and teachers that gave up their weekend to help in the kitchen. Now for the writing...
This pass weekend my Kapa Haka Group had a wananga. For our Kapa Haka group this wananga was really special because we went to a local marae. We did have a 3 day wananga so the day I will be talking about is Friday night (When we first arrived). So at 5:20 we had to meet up at school just so that we knew who was here and who wasn't. Once we did the roll call, we started loading up the 2 vans and few other cars that decided to help out. My parents helped with carting people out so in our car was, Roxy, Eva, My dad, My mum, and I. So on the way there it was a pretty laughable ride, we were talking Pig Latin, we were singing, and we were talking about some funny and sad times. When we arrived to the Marae we had to wait for everyone to get here so that we could have a powhiri for us to go in. One of the kaikaranga was actually a kaihaka (member) of our roopu, she did it because she was from there. Before we got called on we had a little by Anaru (Carney's dad) about where to stand and what to do when we get in there. A few minutes later... the powhiri is all finish and now we are starting to get ready for a talk that we got from a man about how Motatau Marae links to where our nationals is. I don't remember that much about the stories. I do remember one of the patterns that he explained to us, which the cry of an Albatross. The story is God gave a man a bird and told him when you got of the bird you must thank the bird before you do anything else because, the bird was taking the man to go visit his family after a few years not seeing them. The man got of the bird and the man ran straight to the family gave them a big hug, and then he turned around and said Thank You. The bird cried so that was the story of the pattern. So that was our welcome into Motatau Marae it was such a great experience, and I would like to say Thank to all the people mentioned before for all their support they gave for us for this weekend.
Monday, 5 August 2019
Term 3: Week 3 Free Writing
For free writing this week I will be talking about me moving my room around. I decided to talk about this because it was a fun and active thing I've done :) Hope you enjoy
Yesterday (Sunday the 4th of August)was the day we moved my bedroom all around. As a Christian Sunday is normally your resting not to do anything, but me being a nice active person did some active so technically the opposite. So my mum and I first talked about where i want the bed, I had this whole plan, that plan was scrunched up and we just changed the room as we went. The room is pretty small so we were limited on space and where to put things, surprisingly I have a huge square space for me to sit, so that tells you that little areas can be big. Moving along we have to pick up rubbish and things that I don't even remember leaving there. Before I explain my room, I just had to let everyone know that my room use to be my nans room and she still needs to hold all of your clothes in there.
How my room looks:
. The bed is put up against a wall by my window and I'm facing to the other wall
. By bed there is a side table where I have things that i use on a daily bases
. At the bottom of my bed there is another small drawer where I leave my blankets after I fold them
. At the bottom left corner of my bed there a some bins of my nans clothes that she needed to put in y room
. By my side table by my head, there is a basket of my aunties clothes.
.Against the wall by the door is a long drawer full of my cousins clothes
.On top of that draw is 2 small drawers with more of her and my nan's clothes
. Next to the long drawer is another small drawer that has more of my cousins clothes
. On top of that little drawer is my draw
.I forgot that by my nan's bins is my dads guitar
This list was longer than I thought, but that is a small explanation about my room. This wasn't the best idea for a free writing I just didn't know what to talk about. Hope you enjoyed :)
Friday, 2 August 2019
Weekly 3: Term 3: Week 2
Weekly 3:
This week since Te Rau Pou Manawa O Kawakawa didn't have a Haka Friday, we had to do what the non kaihaka had to do, which was Weekly 3. If you don;t know what weekly 3 is, it is a slide that our teachers prepare for us and then we have a prototec sheet to do, Number of the day, and e-ako. Something easy about Weekly 3 was doing the number of the day. Something hard was, the prototec cause I just was over thinking a lot of the things. Here is my slide, Hope you like it :)
Monday, 22 July 2019
Term 3: Week 1: Free Writing
First day of Term 3 and we have started our learning with our usual 20 minute Free writing. This week I will be talking about when I went to Miria's House. Hope you enjoy it :)
Miria's House
On the second week of the Holidays, I went to my best friend's House (Miria). I was sitting at home all bored, and she had send a text asking if I wanted to go over, so I asked my mum, her answer was "Wait for your dad to get home!", as a kid that was like the worse answer to get especially when your dad doesn't finish work until 3 and the time is 10:00 am. So I answered Miria's question with that boring answer, and she replied saying "Make sure you text straight away!". So 10 minutes went by and my mum asked, "So what did your dad say?", Me being so confused answered and said
"What do you mean?"
She answered, "What did your dad say when you asked to go to Miria's house?"
"I never asked" I replied. So then we were there arguing about me not asking my dad. SO I texted him and he said yes, and off I went. So I packed me some change and had to go and get dropped off at Four Square to be picked up by Olivia, Roxy, Tamarah, and of course Miria. So we left and went home, me not knowing, her family was having a party. I'm not really use to this type of crowd so I was a bit nervous. Hours go by and my nerves are going away, it's now 12:00 am and me and my friends are still awake. It's 3 am and we are finally all falling asleep. Woke up the next day with everyone being tired and warned out. It was a great night, so much fun and laughter. Wasn't my type of crowd but was still fun :)
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Raranga Matihiko: Scratch Project
On week 8 of this term (2 weeks ago)we went to Waitangi to do our proper scratch. The easy part of this was making the sprites move, but the challenging part was when we had to make the background, it only was tuff because I really wanted it to be perfect so I took most of my day just trying to get it right. I really have enjoyed this project and also sad because this is the last time I might do this. I really liked my experience...I never finished my scratch but here is what I got done :) Hope you like it :)
Tuna and Takakau
Last week we had an challenge where you go out during the week and find a eel bring it in on either Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Like all challenges there are rules. So the rules for this competition was that it was only suppose to be short fin, gutted, and cleaned. The tuna was not to be looked what they done with the tuna was they smoked up for the parents on Matariki Whanau Day.
For the takakau we had to be creative and bake the takakau how ever we wanted. The takakau didn't have much rules except for, it had to be brought on the Matariki Whanau Day, it had to be named so that the teacher's knew who it belonged to, and the container it was in had to be named as well.
I sadly didn't apply in these competition but here are some photos of other people in the competition.
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Maromaku Day
Maromaku day is a day when our school and other schools from around the Bay of Islands come together at Maromaku School and have games of Netball and Rugby. I was in the netball team with my other team mates who are Miria, Roxy, Ocean, Tunisia, Payton, Dakota, and Florence. We went as the Year 8 team. Our team had 5 other games (6 including finals) . We thankfully won all of our games and was proudly gone into the finals. To get there we had to verse, Moerewa, Opua, Paihia, Whangaruru, and one team that I forgot the name to. We had to beat all of these groups to get into finals. We thankfully made it in. In the finals we versed Taumarere's 1st team (they had 2 teams), and also won against them to. In the breaks I had the time to go see the other teams from my school and also the teachers.
That day was my last one because College doesn't have any Maromaku day for their school. I will remember this day forever :)
That day was my last one because College doesn't have any Maromaku day for their school. I will remember this day forever :)
Matariki Day
Last week Thursday was the day some of our parents and grandparents came in for our Matariki Day. For our Matariki day, we had the parents/grandparents come in and see the different types of work that we have done for the past term. On Matariki the parents/grandparents also had the chance to have some of the takakau and tuna that some of the students in our school had made for this occasion (I will talk more about this in a different blog post). After Morning Tea the whole school and the parents had to go across the road because all the syndicates and the kapa haka groups performed for them. The performances schedule went, Junior syndicate, Middle syndicate, Senior Syndicate, Te Mana Tamariki, and last but not least Te Rau Pou Manawa. For these groups some each group either had 3 or 4 items. To end of the day we had a hangi which was prepared but Nga Rau Puawai & Nga Rau Rangatira. It was a really lovely day with the parents, and the food was amazing.
Big thank you to NRP (Nga Rau Puawai ) and NRR (Nga Rau Rangatira/chiefs) for preparing the hangi :)
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
First Encounters Publish Writing
For the past few weeks we have been doing writing about First Encounters. For writing our teachers have changed and given us three types of writing which are Exposition, Fiction recount, and report. Out of the 3 you choose of them to do for 3 weeks. On the last week you should be up to publishing. Publishing is when you put it into a slide, doc or a drawing and make it look nice. I chose report for my writing and I wrote a report about James Cook. To publish it i put it into a slide and had to adjust the setting to make a portrait facing Google Slide. Here is my published work. Hope you enjoy :)
Monday, 24 June 2019
Free Writing: Pobble 365
For my Free writing this week, I have decided to pick a random photo form pobble 365 and make a little story on the spot. It may not be too good cause I just thought of random things that came to my head. HOPE YOU ENJOY :)
Welcome to Dragon World....
One Sunny evening 3 dragons were leaving to go find a new country to stay for a while, they said they just needed a few days away from Dragon Forest. "I didn't want to leave my friends" Baby dragon frowned
"We're sorry but we have to leave!"dad answered. Not knowing what direction to take or where to go, the left of into the sunset of Dragon Forest. "Do you know where we are going?" mother dragon asked
"No darling, I guess we are just flying and hoping the best!" Dad answered
The further the flew the more Baby dragon cried, why did we have to leave ? he asked himself. After 3 hours of flying dad thought they should have a break, and lie in the clouds, until sun rise and fly once more. "Come these clouds look strong enough for us to lay for now" dad applied. Next morning mum said "We have to go back !"
"Why !? " Baby Dragon asked
"Because we forgot grandma !" So Mum answered. So they flew back and ended up staying there and never left.

Welcome to Dragon World....
One Sunny evening 3 dragons were leaving to go find a new country to stay for a while, they said they just needed a few days away from Dragon Forest. "I didn't want to leave my friends" Baby dragon frowned
"We're sorry but we have to leave!"dad answered. Not knowing what direction to take or where to go, the left of into the sunset of Dragon Forest. "Do you know where we are going?" mother dragon asked
"No darling, I guess we are just flying and hoping the best!" Dad answered
The further the flew the more Baby dragon cried, why did we have to leave ? he asked himself. After 3 hours of flying dad thought they should have a break, and lie in the clouds, until sun rise and fly once more. "Come these clouds look strong enough for us to lay for now" dad applied. Next morning mum said "We have to go back !"
"Why !? " Baby Dragon asked
"Because we forgot grandma !" So Mum answered. So they flew back and ended up staying there and never left.
They all live Dragonly ever after
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Te Reo Homework- Pepeha
In my class, one day every week we have Whaea Whetu (Junior Teacher)come in and have Maori lessons with us. Last week she gave us homework, and I homework was to add our grandparents into our Pepeha. I couldn't post it last week cause we had to confirm with her that we did it right. We had to go home and find out our grandparents names and add them using Ko ____ toku karanipa (____ is my grandfather) and Ko ____ toku karanima (___ is my grandmother). Here is my Pepeha that is on a Google Drawing. Big thanks to Roxy for helping me with the boarder :)
Monday, 10 June 2019
Free Writing: Pobble 365
Bird's Eye view

Today is the day, we all set free. We set free into the sky and see at a bird's eye view."Jacob, your on the fire duty" Dad demanded
"Jacque, your on safety duty" Dad demanded once again
"What's Safety Duty ?" I questioned
" You have to make sure that everyone is safe and the Air Balloon doesn't break apart" Dad answered
Ok I wondered to my self, I have the biggest job, I have to make sure no one dies or gets injured, and make sure the Air Balloon doesn't break, or else we die. OMG OMG OMG just breath in and I thought to my self, don't panic you only have 3 peoples lives in your hands. "Jacque hop in we're about to leave" Dad shouted
"I'm coming " I replied. Whilst leaving the burden on my shoulders started to lift and I felt more calmer and safe. This isn't so bad after all. "Jacque is the Air Balloon in good shape?" Dad asked
"Yeah, it's all good !" I answered. When I was in the air, I was breath taken at the fact that the world looked much prettier than it is whilst on land. Up in the air, made me wonder, is this how bird's see the world up here? If so I would want to be bird for the rest of my life. It's o beautiful I never wanted to leave. I looked upon the rest of the families that were here and seen how amazed they were as well. "Ok I think it is time for us to land now " Jacob sickly applied,
"What's wrong are you sick?" I asked
"Just a tiny little bit " Jacob replied
"Hold on, give me a few more minutes!" I applied. So we stayed up for another 10 minutes before we had to land or else Jacob would've fainted. "Are we all off?" Dad asked
"Yeah" I answered
I will never forget that moment I saw the world differently.
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Tutu Scrath Project
Last week, Whaea Kerry and Whaea Monika from Waitangi came to our class for the day to show us some stuff about scratch. Whaea Kerry was on her iPad showing us through the TV on the blocks that Whaea Monika was talking about on the board. My favourite part of this project was making my background for our scratch. The trickiest part was choosing what to write about. The easiest part was making a Sprite of ourselves for our scratch. I didn't finish my Project so the ending is not that great. Quick note, I didn't have a partner to do this with because my partner for the day was Whaea Dana but she never wanted to do Scratch with me. Hope you enjoy my Project :)
Friday, 31 May 2019
Anzac Exposition Writing
for the past 3 weeks, our teacher have changed up our writing programe where we have a topic and this weeks one was Anzac, and with the topic we have 3 options of types of writing we have to do. We Pick our type and then we have 3 weeks to write on. After we finish writing we have to publish so that we can post it to our blog. When we publish them tho, it has to fit one page. The one page really limited my choices on how to publish it. So this week I just did a boring publish presentation on Google Docs. For my first week I did a Exposition and I argued that Men should've had a choice to go to war. Here is my BORING Google Doc... Hope you enjoy :)
Last but not least, Men who deserted in war because they could not deal with it and were severely
punished. Archibald McColl Learmond Baxter, does this name ring a bell ? Yes?, if not, he was a boxer
and marksman that didn’t want to lay a hand on a single man, because in the year 1900 Alfred Barclay
stood and spoke against war, which made him realise that war was not good and it was bad to kill
someone under any circumstances. Archibald was just one of the few that were punished. People after
had PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) after the seeing what they done to innocent people.
Archibald Baxter if you ask me, was a humble man. Humble man like him had to be punished.
To go or not to go ?
Should men have had the choice to go to war or not? I firmly believe that men should have had the
choice to go to war. Why? May you ask, because firstly men had a very little amount of training and
was expected to just go and shoot someone. Secondly, they would’ve had families, businesses, and
a farm to run. Lastly, Men who were deserted in war couldn't deal with all the harm and chaos that was
going on. All this chaos and fear should have stopped !
choice to go to war. Why? May you ask, because firstly men had a very little amount of training and
was expected to just go and shoot someone. Secondly, they would’ve had families, businesses, and
a farm to run. Lastly, Men who were deserted in war couldn't deal with all the harm and chaos that was
going on. All this chaos and fear should have stopped !
Firstly, Not all men were trained to use guns and fight in wars. Yes there is a list of men like farmers
that were trained with guns but then there were barbers, teachers, and all those people that never had a
experience with a gun. What even made it worse was that they just had a tiny amount of time to learn the
ways of the gun and all the techniques. Can you imagine a barber going in the war not knowing a single
thing to with guns ?
that were trained with guns but then there were barbers, teachers, and all those people that never had a
experience with a gun. What even made it worse was that they just had a tiny amount of time to learn the
ways of the gun and all the techniques. Can you imagine a barber going in the war not knowing a single
thing to with guns ?
Secondly, They have family and businesses or farms to run and look after. Young mothers were left to
look after her and her husbands and then plus the farm that the men would usually look after.
Those same young women couldn’t handle the stress of the farm so they would ask their kids to stay
home from school to help out, which causes the child to have less education. Quickly imagine, your on
your own, just you, your kids, and your farm. You have to wake up every morning, feed your kids and
then straight after feed the animals. Tell me, how will you feel ?...How will you feel ?
look after her and her husbands and then plus the farm that the men would usually look after.
Those same young women couldn’t handle the stress of the farm so they would ask their kids to stay
home from school to help out, which causes the child to have less education. Quickly imagine, your on
your own, just you, your kids, and your farm. You have to wake up every morning, feed your kids and
then straight after feed the animals. Tell me, how will you feel ?...How will you feel ?
punished. Archibald McColl Learmond Baxter, does this name ring a bell ? Yes?, if not, he was a boxer
and marksman that didn’t want to lay a hand on a single man, because in the year 1900 Alfred Barclay
stood and spoke against war, which made him realise that war was not good and it was bad to kill
someone under any circumstances. Archibald was just one of the few that were punished. People after
had PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) after the seeing what they done to innocent people.
Archibald Baxter if you ask me, was a humble man. Humble man like him had to be punished.
In conclusion I strongly believe that all men should have a choice to go to war, because, Not all men
were trained to use guns and fight in war, They have family and businesses and farms to run, and men
who deserted in war because they could not deal with it and were severely punished. If I was in the past
when all this terrible stuff I will stand and make a point and would have tried and persuaded the country.
So please think about if men should have a choice to war. Think hard and deep.
were trained to use guns and fight in war, They have family and businesses and farms to run, and men
who deserted in war because they could not deal with it and were severely punished. If I was in the past
when all this terrible stuff I will stand and make a point and would have tried and persuaded the country.
So please think about if men should have a choice to war. Think hard and deep.
Written by: Jacque
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Last Weeks Rocket Challenge Reflections
Last Week I forgot to post up my Rocket Challenge slide up so I decided to put it up today. Last week we learnt about the Safety rules and Hazards that may happen. On our slide we write reflections. Here is our slide so far... Hope you Enjoy :)
Monday, 20 May 2019
Free Writing: Friday 17th of May Disco
My free writing this week will be about the Disco that we had last week (week 3) Disco that we had to fundraiser for our Kapa Haka group Te Rau Pou Manawa to go down to nationals. I've decided to talk about this because, it was the first disco this year and it was my mothers Birthday on the same day. Hope you enjoy :)
Last week Friday we had a disco fund raising for our nationals that will happen in November down in Waikato. For the disco, the kaihaka that are in Te Rau Pou Manawa, their parents had to give in some ideas on what we should have at the disco. My parents decided to be in the kitchen and make steak, egg, onion roll (the onion and egg were optional). On the day when I got home my Mum and my Aunty Em were in the kitchen cooking the steak so that when we get to the kitchen all we need to do is keep the steak warm and they would only have to cook the eggs at the hall. The same day as the disco was my Mum's birthday and all she wanted to do was help out in the kitchen. At disco it started of with a little amount of people and the more people started coming in, and then more, an then more, and then even more. There was so much people, that it was so hard to get form one place to the other. The disco was fantastic and fun, I was so glad to send with my friends and have eat a lot of food. To me, at the disco, I was like the mother figure to all my friends, because if they wanted something to eat they asked me to get it for them, or I will make sure that they had something to eat & drink. During the disco I accidentally fell on a little boy... sorry Noah :(. Over all the disco was fun and I had a fantastic time...Thanks Horrace for the BEST MUSIC. I can't wait for our next disco and what it will hold :(
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Fraction of a Whole
This Week for our Group Maths, we were learning about Finding Fractions in a Whole number, because it was a bit of our weakness when it came to our check in test. After leaning about how to find it Whaea Dana said for us to make a google drawing to show people how to work it out. Here us my Google Drawing... Hope you Enjoy :)
Monday, 13 May 2019
Free Writing: Carpool Karaoke (Assembly)
For my Free Writing this week I will be talking about our Carpool Karaoke that we done for our first Assembly of Term 2. HOPE YOU ENJOY :)
Last week (Week 2 of Term 2) it was my classes Assembly. It was a really rough week cause people were going places for trips and we just had 3 days to get it all sorted. While making our assembly we decided to do a carpool Karaoke because we didn't have enough time to make something else. So on Monday we had to get in a group of 3 and choose our song, so that on Tuesday all we needed to do was get in the car and film. Consuming the little bit of time that we had we all had to be quick and try and just get it in 1 go. In my group was Miria and Roxy and our song was London Thumakda. Miria and I were in the front seats (I was in the drivers seat) and Roxy was in the back. We had to rotate a lot of times just to see who looks better where. We had to be comfortable because there is a part where one of us had to twerk, and the only confident one was Roxy. After 5 shots of filming we finally got our song done. After ours we had the job to help out all the other groups with setting. After all the hard editing and cutting here is the video that our teacher came up...
Monday, 29 April 2019
Since Week 9-11 last term, to now, we have been learning about voyaging. To help us with this project we had the privilege in going to Opua Warf and looking at Ngahirakamaitawhiti. So a few weeks later (week 10 or week 11) our teachers gave us the task to do a couple questions and after you have about 5 questions you choose 1 question that you want to focus on. My question was How did they survive on a long journey ? (sleep, sickness, eating, toileting ). Out of the one question you should about 5 other Questions from the one question. So my other questions are, How did they get there food ?, What did they do if they got sick ?, How did they go toilet ?, How did they sleep ?, How did they shower ?. Once you had your 5 other questions we had to do a plan page to get the information. The moment you have all your information you had to present it in a creative way without Google Drawing. I decided to use Glogster. Hope you like it :)
Sorry I didn't Know how to put it in as an image so here is the link instead. It may not work, if so, I'm really sorry.
Sorry I didn't Know how to put it in as an image so here is the link instead. It may not work, if so, I'm really sorry.
My Holiday (20 Minutes Free Writing Term 2: Week 1)
My Holiday
To start of the term, our teachers wanted us to get straight back into our 20 minutes Free Writing. If you don't remember what that is, it is when our 2 classes, after Taumata every Monday Morning, we go onto our blogs and write about whatever we want. This week I chose this one part of my Holiday that was exciting. Hope you Enjoy :)
Today I will telling you guys about the day my Mum, Dad, Flo, and I had our training. So the day started of with a normal morning routine, wake up have breakfast, get dressed. When getting dressed my mum told me to get into her togs underneath, and then she texts my aunt to tell Flo to put togs on as well. After all that my mum decided to ask my aunt (Flo's Mum)if Flo would like to come with us for training, my aunt obviously said yes. So my mum, dad, and I got dressed and headed out to Moerewa to pick up Flo. When we arrived to her house she was all ready to go, she had a jumper on, skins, and a top underneath her jumper. We sat around a little bit for our parents to catch up and talk. After there adult conversation, us 4 (my mum, dad, Flo, and I) went to the netball in Moerewa. We stretched and then got into the hard work... 1 hour later, our training is all done, Flo and I were all wet (sweat) that you would think we had a shower. After training we shot to the pools at the Bay Of Islands College for a swim after our training. We stayed there for only an hour and went to go have sushi for lunch. After Sushi me and Flo went with our Nan and did grocery shopping with her. Our day ended with a nice relax when we got back home for grocery shopping. That was my favourite day in my Holiday. Hope you Enjoyed :)
Friday, 12 April 2019
End Of Term 1 Reflections :)
End of Term 1 Reflection:
Term 1 this year I will say was better than my Term 1 last year. For me it went really well, had a few growling for talking but I will say that it was a great Term. My Highlights for this term are, the Bay Of Islands school Kapa Haka Fundraiser, Netball training, and the ANZAC ceremony that we had Yesterday. The one thing I didn't enjoy was Problem Solving because our groups never changed and we never got to see other peoples brains when it comes to Math. A few thing's I learnt this Term, is that women never and still doesn't have equal rights to men, and that women were very objectified in the olden days. Something I want to improve on next term is to not talk when the teacher says the roll. This is my term 1 reflection.
Monday, 8 April 2019
My Weekend (Free Writing)
My Free writing for this week is about my Cousins Eze's 5th Birthday. Hope you enjoy :)
My Weekend
On Sunday the 7th of April (Yesterday) It was my Cousins 5th Birthday. My cousin Eze was turning 5 and coming to school the next day (Monday 8th of April). We went to church and my dad gave him a chocolate for his birthday. After Church he went up to my nans cause he wasn't suppose to know about the party yet, so he went up to my nans and played with my cousin Daniel. Not long after my Nan took them into town so that they can be distracted while we go down to my aunt's house and decorate it. It was a nice plain Birthday not to fancy. While we waited for them to come back from town we were just setting and making games. When he got here his face lit up and all he had was a smile the whole night except when we played touch. For dinner we had, Mayonise, Chop Suey, Chops, Chicken Skewers, etc(I forgot the rest). After dinner the big kids had a lolly hunt while the little kids were doing the pinyata. For the big kids, we had to find lolly bags that were hidden by one of my uncles (Uncle Rich) while we were at church. I found 1 bag, Desiree found 1 bag, Maria found 2 bags, Noah found 2 bags, and TeHura found 1 bag as well. After the lolly hut we all had a little break and had some dessert After dessert all of us had a pass the passel. After pass the passel we had a little tidy up and took the trash to the dump and then we had a game of touch. For touch it was the adults against the kids. The kids weren't going to well so my uncle Whare came on our side. The touch of game finished off with the adults with 8 and the kids with 5. On the adult team there was, my dad, Uncle Rich, Uncle Andrew, Harry, Eze, Daniel and Angela, and on the kids side there was, Me, Noah, Desiree, Flo, TeHura, Shanya, Maria and Uncle Whare. Yesterday was the best 5th birthday I have ever been too.
So that was my weekend!!
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
School kit Notely
A few weeks ago, our classes did a activity where you get an object our of the school kit. There were 12 items, a spider, dinosaur, candle, key, teddy bear, compass, chess piece, boat in a bottle, puzzle piece, diamond rock, and a man sitting on a chair. Out of the 12 items items we had to choose one that we would describe by smell, touch and what you see. We had to have 40 words, 20 words that describe it and 20 synonyms for the 20 words. Once we had done that we had to put all of them into a Notely and and set it up like how you will see it in the bottom. When we finish setting it up, we had to go onto Anagram maker which was we took our name of our object and just chose one of the names in the list. Here is my Notely Project Hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Maths with Whaea Dianne
Maths with Whaea Dianne:
Today we had Whaea Dianne come in and teach us some maths. If you don't know who Whaea Dianne is, she is a teacher that comes in now and then to teach us some hard ish maths and also show how the teachers should teach us maths. For a warm up she gave us about 15 or so numbers and told us what two numbers that relate some how. Some of the Number were 150, 300, 200 ,2, 10, 6.4, 3.2, 32, 64, and 15. For today's activity we had a hand call Harry's Hand, and with the hand we had to measure with it. We had to measured some letters that were on this paper which was called our map. We obviously in groups, of course, and well we had to measure with the Harry's Hand. While going through the maths activity there were stuff that we asked questions about. When going through she brought out different types of Harry Hands. Closer to the end she showed us equivalent fractions that could help us with our measuring. For me, I will say that the easy thing was just adding the whole number measures, but the thing I found hard was adding the decimal numbers to the whole numbers. Something I learnt was how to measure without a ruler.
Monday, 1 April 2019
Kapa Haka Concert (Free Writing)
If you don't know, every week on Mondays we get to have 20 minutes of Free Writing. Free Writing is when we get to write about whatever we want. This Week I will be writing about my first Kapa Haka Performance since the Kapa Haka Regional's last year. Ichose this topic because I felt like it was a special moment for me. Hope you enjoy :)
Kapa Haka Concert:
Last week Thursday (28th of March) Bay Of Islands College had a Concert for their Kapa Haka Groups Fundraiser. They were Fundraising for Regional's that was coming up. Horrace's (My kapa haka teacher) sister had invited Te Rau Pou Manawa (Primary Kapa Haka Group, also the one I am in) to the concert to perform as well. From After Morning Tea to the end of the day, Te Rau Pou Manawa had a practice for the concert that was happening that night. All day we just worked and worked and we had a lunch tho. Before we had a top drop we were told about who our kaias are gonna be, Horrace told us that Tamarah (One of the 8 maybe kaias) will be doing commands, Manu will be the boy kaia, and I will start all of the songs. So we did the top drop and then we got let go to go home. When I went home I straight away went into the shower and got dress into my Te Rau Pou Manawa Shirt and a long skirt. I had asked my mum to put my hair in a bun cause that what was required from the girls. Getting dressed I was getting more and more nervous, what i was telling myself was "It's OK cause you have performed in maybe 10x more than then the people will be there. So when my dad got home from work, he had a shower and then we left. We all had to meet at Bay College By the marae. When I arrived I started looking for all my friends. When it came to about 30 minutes before we perform, all three Groups (Kete Taonga, Te Roopu O Peowhairangi, and Te Rau Pou Manawa) into the Marae. Once everyone was quiet Whaea Jazz (Horraces sister and the head tutor for Peowhairangi) gave us a big hug welcome an thanked us for coming to perform at their concert. She Started talking to us about what will start happening, we were first so we had to go to the drama room first to start practising. When we got in there Horrace made us do some warming up stuff.... (10 or 20 minutes later). % more minutes to go and everyone is getting nervous, "Te Rau Pou Manawa your up" says the lady from Bay. My heart started racing and I felt like I was about to faint. Once I hit the stage all my nerves went away. So that was my first performance in a while. Hoped you enjoy :)
I felt like it was a bit hard, but aslo a bit easy to write about this experience. My next step I will say, is try and use more describing words. Hope you enjoyed :)
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Women's Suffrage
For awhile now I have forgotten to share this with you. Well this is my mine and my friends Google Drawing that we done. We had to watch this video and take all the information and put it into a Google Drawing. Here is our Presentation...Hope you enjoy :)
Our Assembly
Last week it my classes assembly. We had 4 items, Christchurch Poems, A song called Shallow, Women Suffrage, and a Dance. For my Blog this week I have decided to share our Christchurch Poems. the Christchurch Poems about the bad event that has happened down in Christchurch. What we had to do was right a poem that speaks about how we feel about the bad event. We didn't have to make a rhyming poem but we just had to put a lot of feeling in to it. For Assembly our teachers decided to share some of the students poem that they had wrote. Here is the Video...Hope you enjoy :)
Are we there yet?
This Google Drawing that you will be seeing, is a piece of work that I have forgotten to post. Anyways, a few weeks ago me, Roxy and Jada- Rae were in a group and what we had to do was pick out of 6 or 8 Women to do some research about. We had been given a little something about them, but then we had to find more information about them. The person we chose was named by Harriet Simeon. One great fact that we found that is in our Google Drawing was that by 1919 she became the highest ranking NZ Women in WRAF (Womens Royal Air Force) after being promoted Assistant Air Commandant. When we were researching her we found out that she wasn't always a Air Commander. She use to be Nurse for the WRAF but then she decided to sign up for the job of an Air Commander. Well enough spoiling the great information. Here is our Google Drawing...Hope you enjoy :)
Monday, 25 March 2019
Nephews 1st Birthday (Free Writing)
If you a brand new comer to my blog, every Monday my class gets to have 20 minutes of Free Writing, where we get to write about anything we want. This week I will be writing about my nephews 1st birthday. Hope you enjoy :)
1st Birthday
On the Saturday just gone pass it was my nephews 1st Birthday. His name is Clem named after his grandfather who passed away 2 years ago. His mum had been planning this birthday for about two days, and has been up for hours getting all the decoration done for the day. Clem's Party theme was a Wild animal theme, we all had to be dressed up as a wild animal for the party, my mum just wore a coloured shirt cause she didn't know what to wear, my dad wore a black and white to show that he is a panda, and I wore a leopard printed mini dress. I know your thinking, why is your dad a panda if pandas are wild animals, well...he didn't really have that much stuff to wear so he just decided to joke around and go as a panda. When we got there, there were these people setting up little fence areas, at first I was wondering what are those for? Well when I got out of the car there were little animals getting put into different sections of little fences that were put up. There was one for 2 little piglets, there was one with ducks and chickens in them, there was one with bunny's and guinea pigs, there was with 2 little goats in of the other ones, and then there was a more larger area which were for 2 sheep's and 1 cow. All these animals were hired for about a 1 hour or so for us to go in and pet them. Like always there were rules and the rules were, 1 when you hold them you have to be sitting down, 2 don't pick their hair off, and 3 always close the little gate behind you. There were also 2 pony's that came but you could ride those ones. 1 had a carriage on the back and the other just had a saddle. Besides the nice Petting Area there was, a Fire Engine jumping castle, a topping area for the ice cream, Pin the tail and the donkey, and a colouring in competition. Through out the day little challenges came up like little games, and whoever won got a bottle of lollies. I won the spoon race. After the birthday all of us older kids went down for a swim. After the swim everyone started going home. So that was my Nephew Clem's 1st Wild Life Theme Birthday.
Hope you enjoyed :)
Friday, 22 March 2019
Christchurch Poem
Due to the incident in Christchurch that has happened on 15th of March, we had to make a poem about how we feel about the incident. Our teachers told us that we didn't have to do a rhyming one so, here is my poem Hope you enjoy.
Monday, 18 March 2019
Snowmen At My Doorstep
If a you are a New comer to my Blog, every Monday we get to have 20mins of free writing. We get to write whatever we want. This week I have I have once again chosen a picture form Pobble 365. Hope You Enjoy.

Snowmen At My Door Step
Early Christmas Morning Me and my family woke up and had some Christmas Breakfast, we had Blueberry Pancakes. "Can we go outside and throw some Snow Balls" Maria said jumping around, "Sure just don't go far" My nan replied joyfully. So Maria and I went and put on our snow coats and ran outside. Bu before we stepped out our doorstep there was a crown full Of Snowmen, me and Maria didn't know either to be excited or afraid. "NAN" Maria Yelled loudly " What is it? Huh Oh My Gosh" My nan said with a wide jaw. " You should be fine go ahead" My nan said laughing. So me and Maria went and had fun with the snowmen. Probably the best Christmas Ever.
Monday, 11 March 2019
Free Writing:
Every Monday we get to have 20 minutes of Free Writing. In 20 minutes of Free Writing we get to write about anything we want, but we don't get to do it in a Google Doc, it just goes straight on to our Blog. Here is my Free Writing about a Picture I chose from Poble 365

Long Mountain is a small town that has a Long Mountain along the borders of Long Mountain. Long Mountain had never had a deadly storm before that's why non of the people at Long Mountain believed that there was gonna be a Deadly storm. The Reason to them not believing about the storms that was coming Long Mountain because, whenever a storm would head there way the Long Mountain around the boarders of their town would block cause of how high it is. Well one day as the town was having a nice glistened Sun upon them not realising about the Dark Miserable Black Cloud Coming there way. Mrs. Bubbles owns the famous Bakery in town where everyone goes for the amazing Scrambled Eggs with Bacon every morning. Well anyways Mr. Bubbles was sitting out of his shop and seen the Dark Miserable cloud and quickly thought to himself, "This cant be, our very first Deadly Storm". So Mr. bubbles went around warning everybody but they didn't believe so he decided if he blocked up his store then people will actually will come. So Mr. Bubbles went ad fenced up his store and said "If I were lying do you think I would be doing this?", then everyone realised the big Cloud above them and Quickly ran into Mr. Bubbles's Bakery to keep safe. 20 minutes later.... "Finally the Storm is over!" Mr. Bubbles said happily. After he had said that one of the men in the store stood up and said putting his head down, "We are sorry for not believing you" "That's ok maybe just next time believe me". After that one day everybody went home and settled down...

Long Mountain is a small town that has a Long Mountain along the borders of Long Mountain. Long Mountain had never had a deadly storm before that's why non of the people at Long Mountain believed that there was gonna be a Deadly storm. The Reason to them not believing about the storms that was coming Long Mountain because, whenever a storm would head there way the Long Mountain around the boarders of their town would block cause of how high it is. Well one day as the town was having a nice glistened Sun upon them not realising about the Dark Miserable Black Cloud Coming there way. Mrs. Bubbles owns the famous Bakery in town where everyone goes for the amazing Scrambled Eggs with Bacon every morning. Well anyways Mr. Bubbles was sitting out of his shop and seen the Dark Miserable cloud and quickly thought to himself, "This cant be, our very first Deadly Storm". So Mr. bubbles went around warning everybody but they didn't believe so he decided if he blocked up his store then people will actually will come. So Mr. Bubbles went ad fenced up his store and said "If I were lying do you think I would be doing this?", then everyone realised the big Cloud above them and Quickly ran into Mr. Bubbles's Bakery to keep safe. 20 minutes later.... "Finally the Storm is over!" Mr. Bubbles said happily. After he had said that one of the men in the store stood up and said putting his head down, "We are sorry for not believing you" "That's ok maybe just next time believe me". After that one day everybody went home and settled down...
And they have lived happily ever after... The end.
Friday, 8 March 2019
Kawa Of Care
For the past few weeks we have been working on a Kawa Of Care DLO (Digital Learning Object). Me and my big group made a slide with a screencastify (which is on the last side). We all decided that we will all do one Kawa Of Care rule each and the Kawa Of Care rules that we have done are, Don't Share your Password or Important information to anyone, Don't put them in random places, Don't Eat by your Chromebook, Extension Cords and Cyber Bullying. Here is my groups DLO. Hope you enjoy :)
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
For my spelling group this week, we had a task about homophones. What we had to do was use the its and it's to make a poster about what each one means. Here is mine and Miria's Poster for the homophones. Hope you enjoys :)
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
Inspirational Quotes
Last Year My teacher Whaea Jess made Quotes to stick around in our class. This year Whaea Dana and Whaea Jess wanted us to make Quotes for our two classrooms. Here is Inspirational Quote that I chose.
I chose this quote because I think that we don’t have to get to the expectation fast we just need to
get there without giving up. So you don’t have to be the fastest you just have DON’T GIVE UP!!
Hope you enjoyed :)
Monday, 4 March 2019
20 minutes Free Writing: The Black Cat (Pobble 365)
Good Morning, Good afternoon whatever time you read this, every Monday morning we get to have 20 minutes of Free Writing where we write whatever we want o to our blog. Here is mine for Week 6.

As you stare into these eyes of a Black Cat, your probably wondering hat his name is, well...his name is The Black Cat, very basic name. The Black Cat is a famous cat in the town called Cat Island. He is Famous for wining the most Blackest Cat in the world. He has won 14 years in a row. He takes after his dad. His mum and were killed when Animal War I came between the Dogs and Cats. They were both ripped up by two giant pit bulls, and Black Cat was only 4 years old. Ever since then he has been waiting for Animal War II to come so that he can destroy the two veracious pit bulls that ripped his parents to pieces. During his 14 years of wining the Most Blackest Cat Comp, Black Cat has been training for the next Animal War II, he has been doing 20 Cat push ups a day, he has been learning how to shoot cat balls at a target and he has been working on his Camouflage skills. Camouflaging for him is very all he has to do is go by a black area and close his eyes. One Sunny Day the Whole Cat Island was warn that the Dogs maybe coming that day to attack the cats, so when Black Cat woke up the next morning he quickly got all his gears and went will the Traditional Cat Army(TCA). 20 minutes later the Traditional Dog Army (TDA) came flying by on their planes and started shooting at the cats. Black cat was just waiting for the two biggest pit bulls to jump out of the plane, once they did Black cat just got out his Fur Ball gun and started shooting at the two pit bulls. By the time he shot the 4 bullet the two pit bulls were already dead. "That was for my parents" He said. After killing the two pit bulls Black Cat went home and relaxed, he was just glad that he killed the two pit bulls that took his parents away. Now Black Cat is cheerful as he could be, and lived happily ever after...

The Black Cat
As you stare into these eyes of a Black Cat, your probably wondering hat his name is, well...his name is The Black Cat, very basic name. The Black Cat is a famous cat in the town called Cat Island. He is Famous for wining the most Blackest Cat in the world. He has won 14 years in a row. He takes after his dad. His mum and were killed when Animal War I came between the Dogs and Cats. They were both ripped up by two giant pit bulls, and Black Cat was only 4 years old. Ever since then he has been waiting for Animal War II to come so that he can destroy the two veracious pit bulls that ripped his parents to pieces. During his 14 years of wining the Most Blackest Cat Comp, Black Cat has been training for the next Animal War II, he has been doing 20 Cat push ups a day, he has been learning how to shoot cat balls at a target and he has been working on his Camouflage skills. Camouflaging for him is very all he has to do is go by a black area and close his eyes. One Sunny Day the Whole Cat Island was warn that the Dogs maybe coming that day to attack the cats, so when Black Cat woke up the next morning he quickly got all his gears and went will the Traditional Cat Army(TCA). 20 minutes later the Traditional Dog Army (TDA) came flying by on their planes and started shooting at the cats. Black cat was just waiting for the two biggest pit bulls to jump out of the plane, once they did Black cat just got out his Fur Ball gun and started shooting at the two pit bulls. By the time he shot the 4 bullet the two pit bulls were already dead. "That was for my parents" He said. After killing the two pit bulls Black Cat went home and relaxed, he was just glad that he killed the two pit bulls that took his parents away. Now Black Cat is cheerful as he could be, and lived happily ever after...
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Invisible Woman Poem
These few weeks in Room 5 and 6 we have been making focusing on a topic about Are We There Yet? This topic is about the woman suffrage in NZ and other places. One of the activities we had to do for Are We There Yet? was to pick a woman of this website that had pictures of woman who people didn't know the woman's name. We had to choose one photo and write a poem about them. We were provided with sentences starters for us to use which were She is, She is wearing, She probably and She might have. For the She is and She is wearing we had to explain her outfit and they way she looks. But for the She probably and She might have, we had to predict her lifetime such as, if she had siblings, what she loved to do, what she had to do in her and we could predict what her dream could've been. We called this activity Invisible Woman Poem. Here is my Invisible Woman Poem. Hope you enjoy :)
Monday, 25 February 2019
Free Writing Pobble 365
On Monday mornings we have 20 minutes of Writing, and we have to write about whatever we want. This is mine for this week about a Never Ending Tunnel. Hope you enjoy.
(No people or trains were harmed in real life)

The Never Ending Tunnel
This Picture that you see here is what you call a never ending tunnel. If you go in it you won't find your way out unless your come back the way you came. As you can see on the ground there is a train track well... this use to be a tour attraction where a train would take tourist through this tunnel and show them the never ending tunnel. This tourist attraction stopped after having some trains not returning back to the stations. So the Government said that it should be stopped immediately for loved ones are gone missing. Detectives that would go through to find them would never find them cause it was never ending an couldn't spot the train near by. This track is no longer able to go through but teenagers always go and scare new people that come in to town and say that this tunnel is a death entry when you enter you could never come back and die. This place that owned this tunnel made at least 345,698 dollars a year, that's how famous this never ending tunnel. You could probably find this tunnel but I will now warn you right now to go in cause you may never know how to come out. Hopefully one day those loved ones of that town will find their way out to meet their families again.
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