Wednesday 28 August 2019

Free Writing: Term 3 Week 6: Fun Run

 Monday this week we had our Fun Run for 2019. It was postponed to Monday from last week Thursday. When we got to school we had to go to our teachers to get our Year Run and house. I was the Year 12 run and my house was Waiomio. Like all Fun Runs or cross Countries there were points. It was 5 points if you ran, 10 points if you were in your colours, and 500 points if you get and adult to run with you.The day was so fun we had a mud fight and everyone was throwing mud at each other. We even threw some at the teachers. This is was my last Fun Run at Kawakawa Primary and I will never forget all of the memories. Here is a little video that my teacher made.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Move-a-thon for Ski Camp

Yesterday (Thursday 21 of August 2019) the Year 7 and 8's that are going to camp had a move-a-thon. If you don't know what a move-a-thon is, it is a challange where you have to be moving all day. Whaea Jess decided to make our hours from 8 am - 6 pm. 10 HOURS. Obviously not everyone can run for 10 hours straight soooo.... my teacher said to get into a group and each group will have shifts. I was in Group 1 so we were the first group up. We didn't start straight away. From 8am to 9am was everyone who was their to run. From 9am to 9:30 was our shift. There was a bit of a twist up with time and my group did 1 hour worth. What happen was, these 2 ladies came into Taumata to talk about a boy with special needs in our school and how we need to be around him. That really dragged out the time and no one could leave in that time. So since we missed Taumata we had to carry on until Whaea Jess didn't send up the next group, which like I said wasn't in a hour time. When we seen the next group come up we were cheering while we ran our last lap together for that shift. Our next shift wasn't until Lunch time which was 1pm - 1:30 pm. That wasn't as hard and it was much more better than our hour. So school finished and anyone who could stay would had to stay until 6 to finish. We weren't always going to run so we had some games of king ball and last mand standing, and we also did some fitness. Ofcourse your wondering what the prize, well we were fundraising for our camp so we had to get sponsors and if we stopped running or moving then all the money would have to go back to the families. Over all it was a fun day and I would love to have the day again. 

Term 3: Week 3 - Week 5 Publish Writing

Publish Writing
For the past 3 weeks we have been focusing of bees and for writing of course you guessed it, we did bees. So the way our writing works is still how we did coming to the end of last term. We have 3 types of writing, we pick one, and we work on that writing for 3 weeks. We have 2 weeks for writing, by week 3 you should be finish and start publishing on the last week. I chose report because it's my favourite type of writing. My weakness in all of my writing is my introduction, and this time it was much or easier, now I struggled with my conclusion, so if it is not my introduction then it's my conclusion. 

Publishing: Publishing is when we have to make our writing look good for a presentation, I put mine on a slide. I know your wondering how did you fit all of your work on a slide. I had to set my page up and made it 12 x 16 inches. Here is mine finish piece...Hope you enjoy :) 

Friday 16 August 2019

Term 3: Week 4: Technology at Hukerenui

On Tuesday we had our Tech day which we have every Thursday. I am in the cooking class and we visited China and Thailand. For China we made Stir Fry and Rice, and for Thailand we made some Thailand Coconut Cookies. I wasn't cooking as much I was mainly just doing dishes cause apparently I burn the food. Making these dishes was fun and really funny. My favourite was making the Coconut biscuits, they felt more like Pancakes but after setting they hardened a bit. We also didn't have enough coconut so you really couldn't see it. This Tech is my 2nd favourite, my 1st favourite was my first week when we made Chi-sh  and Cesar salad. This week was amazing I can't wait for Next week.

Orientation Day at Bay Of Island College

This week Wednesday was the Orientation for the Year 8's. Orientation Day is when Year 8's go to the Bay Of Islands College and we have a day there to see what it's like in a day at college. When we went it was our school, Motatau School, Pakaraka School, and Russel School. Our school was the biggest group. When we got their we had to have Taumata with them. After Taumata the college kids left the whare and went and did work and us Year 8's had to stay and learn whakapapa about the school Marae. This learning part was our first period. Matua Dean Prime told us the carbings about the marae, and Whaea Jazz also played some games with us. After 1st period was our second period and we had Sewing. The teachers name for the class was Mrs Nane. This was unfortunately her last year and she was privileged to spend the day with us before she retired. We learnt how to print on to fabric, and did some work on the sewing machine. After 2nd period was Interval (Morning tea) and man can I tell you, it was so boring, everybody just stands around and eats. I think it was just because I was by the front of the college and most of the people were at the back. Interval is all done and now we are going into Digital Technology which was held in the Library. We learned how to make an animation On Pixel with only using 3 slides. 4th period we had Music with Mrs Luvridge (I don't know how to spell her name) and Chase. We learnt how to play Em and A on piano and Guitar. After learning we had some of the students show us what they have been learning. We finished a bit too early so Miss decided to play Guess he Disney Movie. She would play a song from a Disney Movie and we will have to guess which Movie it was. After Music was Lunch. That was much funner and there more laughs. I was hanging out with the Year 9's that were at my school. After Lunch I was sweaty and happy, and then the fact that our 5th period was with cooking and we couldn't cook made me so down and sad. But we did paper work about types of food. Once 5th period was all done we had to go to the Library to meet up with everyone before we ended our day. The Orientation was overall the best experience, I do recommended coming to Bay for Orientation day. I can't wait to be a guide for a group next year. 

Monday 12 August 2019

Term 3: Week 4 Free Writing: Wananga at Motatau Marae.

Free Writing:
For my free writing this week I will be sharing to you guys about my lovely time at Motatau Marae. Before I get into the details of the trip, I would like to say thank you to, Arona and Matua Alb for helping get to Motatau Marae this weekend, and also to Matua Horrace and Whaea Raiha for being such great Tutors. Whaea Jess for helping us get here. Lastly to all the parents and teachers that gave up their weekend to help in the kitchen. Now for the writing...

This pass weekend my Kapa Haka Group had a wananga. For our Kapa Haka group this wananga was really special because we went to a local marae. We did have a 3 day wananga so the day I will be talking about is Friday night (When we first arrived). So at 5:20 we had to meet up at school just so that we knew who was here and who wasn't. Once we did the roll call, we started loading up the 2 vans and few other cars that decided to help out. My parents helped with carting people out so in our car was, Roxy, Eva, My dad, My mum, and I. So on the way there it was a pretty laughable ride, we were talking Pig Latin, we were singing, and we were talking about some funny and sad times. When we arrived to the Marae we had to wait for everyone to get here so that we could have a powhiri for us to go in. One of the kaikaranga was actually a kaihaka (member) of our roopu, she did it because she was from there. Before we got called on we had a little by Anaru (Carney's dad) about where to stand and what to do when we get in there. A few minutes later... the powhiri is all finish and now we are starting to get ready for a talk that we got from a man about how Motatau Marae links to where our nationals is. I don't remember that much about the stories. I do remember one of the patterns that he explained to us, which the cry of an Albatross. The story is God gave a man a bird and told him when you got of the bird you must thank the bird before you do anything else because, the bird was taking the man to go visit his family after a few years not seeing them. The man got of the bird and the man ran straight to the family gave them a big hug, and then he turned around and said Thank You. The bird cried so that was the story of the pattern. So that was our welcome into Motatau Marae it was such a great experience, and I would like to say Thank to all the people mentioned before for all their support they gave for us for this weekend. 

Monday 5 August 2019

Term 3: Week 3 Free Writing

For free writing this week I will be talking about me moving my room around. I decided to talk about this because it was a fun and active thing I've done :) Hope you enjoy 

Yesterday (Sunday the 4th of August)was the day we moved my bedroom all around. As a Christian Sunday is normally your resting not to do anything, but me being a nice active person did some active so technically the opposite. So my mum and I first talked about where i want the bed, I had this whole plan, that plan was scrunched up and we just changed the room as we went. The room is pretty small so we were limited on space and where to put things, surprisingly I have a huge square space for me to sit, so that tells you that little areas can be big. Moving along we have to pick up rubbish and things that I don't even remember leaving there. Before I explain my room, I just had to let everyone know that my room use to be my nans room and she still needs to hold all of your clothes in there.

How my room looks:
. The bed is put up against a wall by my window and I'm facing to the other wall
. By bed there is a side table where I have things that i use on a daily bases 
. At the bottom of my bed there is another small drawer where I leave my blankets after I fold them 
. At the bottom left corner of my bed there a some bins of my nans clothes that she needed to put in y room
. By my side table by my head, there is a basket of my aunties clothes.
.Against the wall by the door is a long drawer full of my cousins clothes 
.On top of that draw is 2 small drawers with more of her and my nan's clothes
. Next to the long drawer is another small drawer that has more of my cousins clothes
. On top of that little drawer is my draw
.I forgot that by my nan's bins is my dads guitar 

This list was longer than I thought, but that is a small explanation about my room. This wasn't the best idea for a free writing I just didn't know what to talk about. Hope you enjoyed :)

Friday 2 August 2019

Weekly 3: Term 3: Week 2

Weekly 3:
This week since Te Rau Pou Manawa O Kawakawa didn't have a Haka Friday, we had to do what the non kaihaka had to do, which was Weekly 3. If you don;t know what weekly 3 is, it is a slide that our teachers prepare for us and then we have a prototec sheet to do, Number of the day, and e-ako. Something easy about Weekly 3 was doing the number of the day. Something hard was, the prototec cause I just was over thinking a lot of the things. Here is my slide, Hope you like it :)