Monday 12 August 2019

Term 3: Week 4 Free Writing: Wananga at Motatau Marae.

Free Writing:
For my free writing this week I will be sharing to you guys about my lovely time at Motatau Marae. Before I get into the details of the trip, I would like to say thank you to, Arona and Matua Alb for helping get to Motatau Marae this weekend, and also to Matua Horrace and Whaea Raiha for being such great Tutors. Whaea Jess for helping us get here. Lastly to all the parents and teachers that gave up their weekend to help in the kitchen. Now for the writing...

This pass weekend my Kapa Haka Group had a wananga. For our Kapa Haka group this wananga was really special because we went to a local marae. We did have a 3 day wananga so the day I will be talking about is Friday night (When we first arrived). So at 5:20 we had to meet up at school just so that we knew who was here and who wasn't. Once we did the roll call, we started loading up the 2 vans and few other cars that decided to help out. My parents helped with carting people out so in our car was, Roxy, Eva, My dad, My mum, and I. So on the way there it was a pretty laughable ride, we were talking Pig Latin, we were singing, and we were talking about some funny and sad times. When we arrived to the Marae we had to wait for everyone to get here so that we could have a powhiri for us to go in. One of the kaikaranga was actually a kaihaka (member) of our roopu, she did it because she was from there. Before we got called on we had a little by Anaru (Carney's dad) about where to stand and what to do when we get in there. A few minutes later... the powhiri is all finish and now we are starting to get ready for a talk that we got from a man about how Motatau Marae links to where our nationals is. I don't remember that much about the stories. I do remember one of the patterns that he explained to us, which the cry of an Albatross. The story is God gave a man a bird and told him when you got of the bird you must thank the bird before you do anything else because, the bird was taking the man to go visit his family after a few years not seeing them. The man got of the bird and the man ran straight to the family gave them a big hug, and then he turned around and said Thank You. The bird cried so that was the story of the pattern. So that was our welcome into Motatau Marae it was such a great experience, and I would like to say Thank to all the people mentioned before for all their support they gave for us for this weekend. 

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