Monday 11 November 2019

Free Writing: Kapa Haka Nationals

Te Mana Kuratahi:
Last week, it was the big week. The big week that we have been having hard training's for. 6 months of training all came down to 1 week. Wednesday was the day it all came down to. 4:30am in the morning, early, early, early wake up. "Bang, bang, bang" first thing every morning you wake up. After karakia we had to wake and get ready for the big day. Girls were put in the mattress room, boys in the wharekai. "BOYS STAY IN THE WHAREKAI, GIRLS STAY IN THE MATTRESS ROOM!" that was the massive rule. "NO LEAVING YOUR CHAIRS EITHER" 2nd big rule. Getting ready was a hectic time especially for the girls. Get your hair done, get it curled (if needed), tamoko, put dress on. These isn't the order we done them but that was what we had to do. Skip to 8:40 everybody is freaking out. We done a silent run through before we left. 8:50 we left Te Ohaki Marae and went to Claudelands. 45 minutes later...

"We're here!" my nerves are running through my blood taking over, once I got to room 2 (changing room) I couldn't last long and I started balling my eyes out. My tears wouldn't stop crying until I hit the side of the stage. Walking on the stage, seeing all my family, made me less sad and made me more stronger ad confident in my self. 25 minutes...

Wooo it's all done 6 moths came down to 1 week, Wednesday, then to 25 minutes. It was a crazy ride with them. The haka tautoko really got to me and I didn't stop crying for about 20 minutes. 

To end of I will just like to give encouragement, if you love something, push your self so that you can give it all you have. Also never join things for the trip or for friends, you do it for you. 

Te Rau Pou Manawa, I love you  guys to bits and it was the best. Te Rau Pou Manawa Ki Te Hoe!