Monday 22 July 2019

Term 3: Week 1: Free Writing

First day of Term 3 and we have started our learning with our usual 20 minute Free writing. This week I will be talking about when I went to Miria's House. Hope you enjoy it :)

Miria's House
On the second week of the Holidays, I went to my best friend's House (Miria). I was sitting at home all bored, and she had send a text asking if I wanted to go over, so I asked my mum, her answer was "Wait for your dad to get home!", as a kid that was like the worse answer to get especially when your dad doesn't finish work until 3 and the time is 10:00 am. So I answered Miria's question with that boring answer, and she replied saying "Make sure you text straight away!". So 10 minutes went by and my mum asked, "So what did your dad say?", Me being so confused answered and said 
"What do you mean?" 
She answered, "What did your dad say when you asked to go to Miria's house?"
"I never asked" I replied. So then we were there arguing about me not asking my dad. SO I texted him and he said yes, and off I went. So I packed me some change and had to go and get dropped off at Four Square to be picked up by Olivia, Roxy, Tamarah, and of course Miria. So we left and went home, me not knowing, her family was having a party. I'm not really use to this type of crowd so I was a bit nervous. Hours go by and my nerves are going away, it's now 12:00 am and me and my friends are still awake. It's 3 am and we are finally all falling asleep. Woke up the next day with everyone being tired and warned out. It was a great night, so much fun and laughter. Wasn't my type of crowd but was still fun :)

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine how "Wait till your dad get's home," would be the worst thing to hear when you want to go somewhere, but funny that you could have just text. It sounds like you had a great evening with your friends though.
