The Never Ending Tunnel
This Picture that you see here is what you call a never ending tunnel. If you go in it you won't find your way out unless your come back the way you came. As you can see on the ground there is a train track well... this use to be a tour attraction where a train would take tourist through this tunnel and show them the never ending tunnel. This tourist attraction stopped after having some trains not returning back to the stations. So the Government said that it should be stopped immediately for loved ones are gone missing. Detectives that would go through to find them would never find them cause it was never ending an couldn't spot the train near by. This track is no longer able to go through but teenagers always go and scare new people that come in to town and say that this tunnel is a death entry when you enter you could never come back and die. This place that owned this tunnel made at least 345,698 dollars a year, that's how famous this never ending tunnel. You could probably find this tunnel but I will now warn you right now to go in cause you may never know how to come out. Hopefully one day those loved ones of that town will find their way out to meet their families again.
Oh what an interesting and creative concept for a story. It makes me wonder what happened to the people that went in and why they couldn't be found... surely the train would run out of power/petrol/coal eventually?? In your next piece try to add some more interesting language (adjectives, similes, metaphors etc) to help the reader form a picture in their mind.