Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Inspirational Quotes

Last Year My teacher Whaea Jess made Quotes to stick around in our class. This year Whaea Dana and Whaea Jess wanted us to make Quotes for our two classrooms. Here is Inspirational Quote that I chose.

I chose this quote because I think that we don’t have to get to the expectation fast we just need to
get there without giving up. So you don’t have to be the fastest you just have DON’T GIVE UP!!
Hope you enjoyed :)


  1. This is a great quote Jacque. You certainly don't have to be the quickest, but so long as you complete the task and keep resilient, then that is all that matters.
    You need to change your settings a bit as we can't read your whole learning story. :)

    1. I edited it up, is it good now Miss
