Monday, 26 November 2018

Summer Learning Journey: Paying it forward

I would give them, chocolates, clothes, shoes, toys, snacks, fizzy drinks, Blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow cases and lollies for all the children. I would buy these stuffs because I want the family to have a lovely life and have to struggle.

Pobble 365 20 minute writing

The picture you see here is a picture of little light balls, which are homes, and whats happening is all the homes are celebrating New Years. In the little town called Never-land there is a tradition where everyone is up waiting for 12 to celebrate New Year Eve, but there is a little twist, well everyone comes out side and starts dancing and hugging and stuff. As you see, there is a man that is leaving town. He is leaving town because he goes to a little hut where he stores these sacred stuff that no one else knows about. Well this mans name is John. John here is going to the hut and the sacred stuff that is there is called Lumian. Lumian is little triangles and if you wet them then form some sort of spiritual animal. John was going to get one triangle so that he can get one animals for New Years. Well he was getting this special animal for New Years. The animal that he wanted to get was the Blue dragon. He wanted to get the Blue Dragon cause he was thinking about Chinese New Year. so he thought that he would bring this dragon and celebrate New Years, keeping in mind that he has to sneak out without anyone knowing about it. He goes through all the Lumian's and finds Blue Dragon and quickly tries to get back home before it turns to 12am. At 11:58 he gets back and has to open the Lumian to let the Blue dragon out for everyone. 12am everyone is dancing and sees the Blue dragon flying around. Everyone is cheering and laughing.

I chose this piece of writing because I wanted to change up my topics since I was just explaining my weekends. What I found easy was just coming up the story along the way as I was writing. However the thing I found hard was trying to start it off and just take it from there, and also trying to keep the ideas in sync with each other. My next steps are to use more powerful vocabulary and language because I feel like it was just a little ehhh with just everyday vocabulary.

Friday, 23 November 2018


For a few weeks now in Room 5 and 6 we have been learning about Buoyancy. Buoyancy is when somethings floats. So our big question that we had to answer was Why do stuff float and why do stuff sink?. So what we done was we had to make a a poster or something just to show what we know about Buoyancy. So our teachers wanted us t use some other stuff instead of google drawings so I decided I would use Piktochart. I would say that I really like how it turned out. Hope you enjoy it. Sorry when I downloaded it the words didn't show very well.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Te Reo Activity

Te Reo 
Today for Te Reo we did directions again but this time we did it in our class. What happened was we had to be in pairs and well once person will be blind folded and the other person will tell you what to do in Maori. We had to try and get stuff that our Student Teacher had put out for us to try and find. The hard thing about this Activity was trying to get them around the class without bumping into stuff. The easy thing was finding the stuff because our Student Teacher didn't put them into that much hard areas. My next step is to learn more directions and also memories them. Sorry we didn't take any pictures. 

Monday, 19 November 2018

Te Tai Tokerau Intermediate & Primary Kapa Haka Regional.

For my 20min writing this week will be about Te Tai Tokerau Intermediate & Primary Kapa Haka Regional. So as we all wake up everyone starts talking about how nervous they are. We all get ready, have breakfast and go across to the hall. We have Taumata and after that Horraces says that he will try and record as much. 15mins after we start getting dressed and everyone is a bit psycho cause everyone is nervous and all. Once everyone is ready we wait for the bus to get here. Once it got here some people had to get some stuff on to the bus.  When we all got on the bus we had to focus so that we could calm down before we get there. When we turn into the stadium we saw all of our supporters and family. When we all got of the bus we waited for TKW (Te Kapehu Whetu) to come out of the changing rooms. When TKW came out we all went in and just started to get the rest of our stuff off. Like our Tamoko and just little touch ups. 2mins before we go on stage we are all waiting for us to go to to waiting just before the stage. When we get called to go by the stage we all just start to breathe heavily. Once I hit the stage all my nervousness just went away. When coming of the stage a few people start crying. (happy tears) Few Hours later... Now we are waiting for everyone to come to the prize giving and all the stuff we places were whakeke, Moteatea, Whakawatea and Waiata A ringa. Leilani (our Kaitataki Wahine) also came 1st equal with TKW, and we did a mean haka for her. When it came to time to hear who goes to nationals everyone had their fingers and toes crossed. When the man said that we came 4th then we all just jumped and celebrated. When we left we were all in the bus singing. We stop at the park to have some pizza and have a little play. When we got back Horrace said that we can have a 15min swim in our school pool. When we went to bed we were all relieved and happy. That was my first regional competition ever, and I am proud to have done with Te Rau Pou Manawa O Kawakawa.

Sorry we haven't been shared photos.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Kapa Haka Dress Rehearsal.

My 20 mins writing this week will be about my Kapa Haka Rehearsal that happened on the 11th of November. (Sunday/Yesterday) So first of I was at a Kapa Haka Wananga ( A live in for a competition group) since Friday night and well about 7 in the morning my dad had to come and pick me up for church which would only for  about 1hr 30mins. So after church I had to go home and just get into some other close to come back to school and just get back into Kapa Haka with the rest of the people in my group. When I got back the girls were getting a bit of a growling because they weren't giving it their all when they were practising anyways Horrace said for everyone to go outside for the rest of the 15mins and then comeback and then we all get dress. After the 15mins everyone started to get the hall set up for all the parents. Not long after we started to get ready and well the way the girls went was while Bina (Horraces Fiance does the next person then they next girl gets ready into their dresses. Well when your done and Bina is still doing someone elses hair then you can go to Whaea Tere (Horraces sister) to do your moko. When your done their then you can go to Bina to do hair, and then when you are done your can go to Whaea Whetu (Horraces Mum/Teacher for Nga Rau Tipuranga) to get your lips done. When everyone was ready we had to go to the back of the hall and wait for all the parents to get in the hall so that we could wait in the foyer to go in the hall. Once I got out in the hall there was no going back. After the Performance a couple of people from the crowd stood up and talked and after a Waiata we had a Haka performed to us from Whaea Jazz, Whaea Hinemoa, Whaea Tere, Matua Shane, and some students. After everything was finished we went around to everyone and let them take pictures. After all the pictures we went and got change back into our other clothes and go home. That was my Kapa Haka Dress Rehearsal Sunday.

Monday, 5 November 2018

My Saturday!!

This little writing is my 20 mins writing. This is where we have 20 mins to write anything we want onto our blog to everyone that goes on your blog. On Saturday the 3rd of November I was heeling from being sick for about 3 or 4 days and well my dad decided to take me to the beach with my family because I haven't been out since Thursday (2 days) and well my Dad wanted be to get fresh air and not stay in the house for 3 days straight. So my dad, Nan, my cousin Maria, my cousin Daniel and I went to Tapeka Beach with my other uncles, aunties and cousins. When we got to the fairy all of the kids got out to look at the water. Once we got off the fairy we could finally see some others beaches and some oyster farms. Before we went to Tapeka we had to stop at the Garage to get some bait for all the men to go fishing. Once we arrived at Tapeka all my aunties and Uncles had put all the snacks out for us and we also had a little cooking some meat for us. After everything was set up my uncles and my dad and I put up the tent and also filled a hair couch for us to sit on. After everything was set all the kids went for a swim and all the men went for a fish, but me and my cousin Noah couldn't swim cause we were both sick. When my dad and uncles came back they also brought back some Kina's and my whole family ate them all before we could even save some to take home. As it came to about 3'ish then all the kids umped out cause they got cold and me and all y older cousins were playing around in the air couches that we filled up and it was super fun cause we all squashing each other. As it came to the ending of the day it started to get windy so we went back on the fairy back to my uncles house to have a feed, After the lovely I went home had a nice warm shower and went to bed. So that was my fun family Saturday this week.

WALT: Use different types writings to make them easier for us.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Te Reo Selfie

For a couple of weeks, my class has been doing a Te Reo selfie. A Te Reo Selfie is a little video about yourself. You had to say like what you like to do, who your family and friends are and other stuff like that. The challenge to this was we had to do it Maori. It was a little easy cause we had some of our stuff translated for us by our teacher who has already done hers and let us use some sentence starters. I also found this hard because I had a bit of camera fright. Here is my selfie video.

Te Reo Directions.

Today in my class for Te Reo we were learning to give and follow simple instructions in Maori. The directions we learnt were...
Haere Totika=Go straight
Piki ake=Go up
Heke iho=go down
Ka tu=stop
Our task was we had to get a partner and one person will be blind folded with a pen in their hand. There was a maze we had to solve so we had the other person tell what to do with the directions up top. My partner was Miria. I found this hard because I couldn't keep the lines straight and I kept on going wobbly. My next step is to give people instructions to go somewhere with other instructions. Here is my maze that I done.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Reading Activity

In my reading group we had to read a book about climate change and when we were finished we had to put 10 facts from the book and present it in a nice way. Hoped you liked it.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Long "E" sound

This week for spelling we were learning about the Long "e" Sound. We had to find 20 words and when we found 20 words we had to put them into alphabetical order. Something that the teacher gave to us was we had to try and only do 1 of each sound. But it was a little hard so some of us just did to much of some. Here is a google drawing of my work.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Fun Run

Last week Friday the whole school had a fun run. The teachers decided to  make our cross country fun and decided to add in obstacles into the cross country. The placing were from 1-5. The people that placed would've went to the Cross Country in Waikare this week Friday and run for us. All the ages from 4-12 years are the ages that we had our run in. My age was 11 years. it was really fun because we had a mud fight while we were doing our run. My least favourite part was the cargo net by my teacher because i kept on getting stuck. But Beside that everything else was fun. I almost forgot we also travelled down to United Kawakawa by our train. Here are some photos of our day.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Otago Gold Mining

This Week in my reading group we have been reading a book about the Otago Gold Mining. Our task was to read the book and then after we were finish we supposed to make a google drawing about facts and back it up with the writing in the book. the hardest thing about it was choosing which facts we should put in our google drawing. The easy thing was summarising the facts into our own words. This my Google drawing that I did with my friend Miria. Hope you like our Google Drawing.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Math eyes Week 5

Today we were told to publish our Math eyes to our blog. Well this is my Math eyes with my friends Dakota and Oshen. What we done was we looked at the picture and find what we could see and some Math questions. The hard thing about it was finding out what angels were on the building, but the easy thing was finding regular shapes. Here is my google drawing.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Car Pool Karaoke 2018

This week (week 4) we have been setting up a car pool Karaoke for our assembly. The song that I done was Roll it Roll it and and my group was the second group it was really fun.

 I know I learned more team work because it wasn't just from one person but it was from everyone. The thing I liked about it was when we filmed it in the car because we were all mucking up but it was still fun, the thing that was easy was lip syncing to the song because it was easy song to learn. The part I found hard was having to do a good shoot.

This is our video hope you like it :)

Friday, 10 August 2018

Te Reo

This term we have been doing Maori classes. These classes are just recaps from the classes that our teachers got taught. This is my slide hope you enjoy it.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Math eyes Week 3 Term 3

Today we were told to make our own Maths eyes. We were supposed to take a picture of something that looked like maths and my friend Roxy gave me an idea of doing my keyboard. So then after we take the photo we were supposed to make a google drawing about what we can see and some maths questions. This is my Maths Eyes hope you like it.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Student confrence

For awhile now we have been working on our conferences. Conferences are now kinda of like our parent interviews. We tell a lot of stuff. Here is my Student conference hope you like it.

Friday, 27 July 2018


Today I have done my reading activity. My reading activity is about Possums. We had to make a google drawing about we read. This is my google Drawing. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Awa Inquiry

For the last term  we have been learning about how clean is our awa. This was really tough at times but in the other times it was easy. The hardest part would probably be the last slide that I done which was a solution slide. We had to find a solution and all I could think of was writing a letter to the Prime Minister but i don't know if it was good or not. I still haven't send it I have to check with my teacher this is my slide that i have made. I hope you like it.

My own adventure Narrative

For the past couples of day me and my cousin Flo have been working on our own adventure Narrative story. We had to d this for our writing activity it took a while because Flo had to make a new story out of scratch but me I just had to ctrl+c and ctrl+v for mine so it did take a little longer than normal were probably made. I think it turned out really well. If you didn't know but our stories are based on the picture of our background. We hope you like it.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Waitangi Facts

In week 6 and week 9 our classes have been working with technology from Waitangi treaty grounds. This video here was made with green screen and edited by I movie. We had only one day to get this all done so it was really hard and there wasn't much time for us to do much. Me and my cousin Flo decided to join up together and this is our green screen video we made. Hope you like it.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Haiku Poem

Today in my class we made Haiku Poems about the Matariki Sisters. A Haiku Poem is a Japanese Poem that only has three lines. The three lines just don't have random words in it but it doesn't, you have to have in the first line 5 syllables, the second line with 7 syllables and the last line with 5 syllables again. The syllables are the syllables in the sentence. A way to see how many syllables a word has is you say the words and count with your hand. (clap) This my Haiku Poem hope you like it.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Pizza and Mozzarella.

Today we made Mozzarella Cheese for Pizzas that we were making as well. One of our people in our group w had to go and make some Mozzarella cheese for us ad the rest had to make the pizza dough. Here is our Google Drawing about it. Hope you like it.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Publish Writing

Today I made a publish writing of our writing this week. This week we got a free write, if you don't know what that is, it is when the teacher gives you a picture to write about in any type of writing you want. I decided to do a Narrative. We had to talk about, how the bird got stuck in the plastic bag, how did it happen and how does it affect him. This is my slide of the writing. Hope you like it.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Writing Week 4 Slide

Today I made a slide of my writing that I did this week (week 4). Our topic is How is plastic destructive? We had to do our writing than when we were done we had to put it into a slide. My teacher said to add pictures so that it looks nice. This is my slide. Hope you like it.

Bullying Poem

Today I made a poem about bullying. This bullying poem was apart of our bullying poster. We had to make a poster and then when we were done we had to make a bullying activity. The things we had to choose from where a song, a rap and a poem and I chose a poem. I hope you like my Bullying Poem.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Bullying Poster

Today in my class we had to do a bullying poster. On the poster we had to say what bullying is, What to do if someone is getting bullied and How can you help people when they get bullied. This is my poster about bullying hope you like it.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Water Samples

Today in my reading group we done water samples. Water samples are when you put a strip into the water and wait for the colours to appear. Once the green colour shows up then you have to match it to the greens on the bottle and see what Alkalinity you have for the water. For the tap water we couldn't do it so that is why we didn't get a number. The sediment is what was at the bottom of the bottle so that is what that was, and the smell is obviously what is smells like and the colour is what colour it is. This is my group water sample chart. Hope you like it. 

Friday, 11 May 2018

Combating Rubbish

This week me and my class were learning about combating rubbish. What we done was we first started of answering the questions on the left side with the link up the top(Kids take action against ocean plastic) of the page on the left hand side. Once we finished that part then we moved on to the rubbish on the right side. These questions we had to answer with the other link on the top of the page on the right hand side.  After answering all these questions we had to wait for our teacher to see if our answers were not just One word answer and that we had enough to explain. So hope you like it.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Maths Problem Week 10.

So Today I did one of my must do maths problem and this problem was called lollies lollies. It explains how I solve it and some other stuff. Hope you like it.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Maths Problem

Today for maths I had to do a maths problem. And my problem was Mane needs to buy 114 socks for school rugby team. Socks come in packets of 6. How many packs does he need to buy? So I explained the way I worked it out was that I made a table with one side packets and the other socks. So what I done is I knew that if there were 6 in a pack than I would've had to count in 6. So I started with 1 and 6 and carried in. Once I got to 18x6 than that's when I found out that it equalled 114. So than I got Mane had to get 18 packets of socks for the rugby team. Than I wrote 18x6=114.

Metaphor Poem

For the past few weeks we have been learning about metaphor. Metaphor is a word or a phrase that is applied to to an object or action that is not literal. So Today we did a metaphor poem on our selves. This is my Metaphor poem on my self. Hope you like it.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Uniquely Kawakawa

This pass few weeks we were doing a project called Uniquely Kawakawa. Uniquely Kawakawa was about our unique our town. So we got the choice to present our work in a goggle slide, google drawing and google map. So Tahurangi, Flo and I done a google slide which I will post another time to my blog. One thing about this trip was that it was very scary to talk in front of a group of kids. I think it was quite scary. We got to go to a lot of places to get this done. My favourite part of the trip was when we got one of the workers at our train station got to talk to us about how it became a train station. So anyways that is all I will talk to you about our project. Hope you like our video. 

Friday, 9 March 2018

My Maths Eyes

This week we have been looking at Maths eyes. We had to do this triangles picture. So the question was how many triangles can you see. Like normal some of us just counted the little triangles when there were more triangles. One of our teachers said to look closely so we ended up seeing big triangles made of little triangles. Some of us did count the others beside the little ones, but most of us just did the little ones. I was one of them. I saw 22 triangles, if you can figure out where all the triangles are then comment down below.  

Friday, 16 February 2018

Toku Pepeha