Friday 24 August 2018

Otago Gold Mining

This Week in my reading group we have been reading a book about the Otago Gold Mining. Our task was to read the book and then after we were finish we supposed to make a google drawing about facts and back it up with the writing in the book. the hardest thing about it was choosing which facts we should put in our google drawing. The easy thing was summarising the facts into our own words. This my Google drawing that I did with my friend Miria. Hope you like our Google Drawing.


  1. Hi Jacquelyn it's Sarah here from Saint Patricks school in Greymouth
    I really like how you had alot of interesting facts, also I like how you picked an interesting topic. But maybe next time you could make the text a little bit bigger because I could barely read it.

    Blog you later - Sarah

  2. Great work with this task Jacque, I can see you learnt lots about gold mining in Otago. Maybe next time in your learning story you could add in a description about what the learning is, e.g. what is summarising and how do you do it?
