Thursday 25 October 2018

Te Reo Selfie

For a couple of weeks, my class has been doing a Te Reo selfie. A Te Reo Selfie is a little video about yourself. You had to say like what you like to do, who your family and friends are and other stuff like that. The challenge to this was we had to do it Maori. It was a little easy cause we had some of our stuff translated for us by our teacher who has already done hers and let us use some sentence starters. I also found this hard because I had a bit of camera fright. Here is my selfie video.


  1. Oh Jacque I love this! You have done such a great job putting this video together and you speak te reo Maori so well! I am so proud of you for completing this challenge!

  2. Kia ora Jacquelyn my name is Evadupree and I attend Kawakawa primary school as well. Yes I agree with Dana Cowles putt a lot of effort into this great Video. I am also proud of you for completing this challenge. blog you later.
