I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Women's Suffrage
For awhile now I have forgotten to share this with you. Well this is my mine and my friends Google Drawing that we done. We had to watch this video and take all the information and put it into a Google Drawing. Here is our Presentation...Hope you enjoy :)
Our Assembly
Last week it my classes assembly. We had 4 items, Christchurch Poems, A song called Shallow, Women Suffrage, and a Dance. For my Blog this week I have decided to share our Christchurch Poems. the Christchurch Poems about the bad event that has happened down in Christchurch. What we had to do was right a poem that speaks about how we feel about the bad event. We didn't have to make a rhyming poem but we just had to put a lot of feeling in to it. For Assembly our teachers decided to share some of the students poem that they had wrote. Here is the Video...Hope you enjoy :)
Are we there yet?
This Google Drawing that you will be seeing, is a piece of work that I have forgotten to post. Anyways, a few weeks ago me, Roxy and Jada- Rae were in a group and what we had to do was pick out of 6 or 8 Women to do some research about. We had been given a little something about them, but then we had to find more information about them. The person we chose was named by Harriet Simeon. One great fact that we found that is in our Google Drawing was that by 1919 she became the highest ranking NZ Women in WRAF (Womens Royal Air Force) after being promoted Assistant Air Commandant. When we were researching her we found out that she wasn't always a Air Commander. She use to be Nurse for the WRAF but then she decided to sign up for the job of an Air Commander. Well enough spoiling the great information. Here is our Google Drawing...Hope you enjoy :)
Monday, 25 March 2019
Nephews 1st Birthday (Free Writing)
If you a brand new comer to my blog, every Monday my class gets to have 20 minutes of Free Writing, where we get to write about anything we want. This week I will be writing about my nephews 1st birthday. Hope you enjoy :)
1st Birthday
On the Saturday just gone pass it was my nephews 1st Birthday. His name is Clem named after his grandfather who passed away 2 years ago. His mum had been planning this birthday for about two days, and has been up for hours getting all the decoration done for the day. Clem's Party theme was a Wild animal theme, we all had to be dressed up as a wild animal for the party, my mum just wore a coloured shirt cause she didn't know what to wear, my dad wore a black and white to show that he is a panda, and I wore a leopard printed mini dress. I know your thinking, why is your dad a panda if pandas are wild animals, well...he didn't really have that much stuff to wear so he just decided to joke around and go as a panda. When we got there, there were these people setting up little fence areas, at first I was wondering what are those for? Well when I got out of the car there were little animals getting put into different sections of little fences that were put up. There was one for 2 little piglets, there was one with ducks and chickens in them, there was one with bunny's and guinea pigs, there was with 2 little goats in of the other ones, and then there was a more larger area which were for 2 sheep's and 1 cow. All these animals were hired for about a 1 hour or so for us to go in and pet them. Like always there were rules and the rules were, 1 when you hold them you have to be sitting down, 2 don't pick their hair off, and 3 always close the little gate behind you. There were also 2 pony's that came but you could ride those ones. 1 had a carriage on the back and the other just had a saddle. Besides the nice Petting Area there was, a Fire Engine jumping castle, a topping area for the ice cream, Pin the tail and the donkey, and a colouring in competition. Through out the day little challenges came up like little games, and whoever won got a bottle of lollies. I won the spoon race. After the birthday all of us older kids went down for a swim. After the swim everyone started going home. So that was my Nephew Clem's 1st Wild Life Theme Birthday.
Hope you enjoyed :)
Friday, 22 March 2019
Christchurch Poem
Due to the incident in Christchurch that has happened on 15th of March, we had to make a poem about how we feel about the incident. Our teachers told us that we didn't have to do a rhyming one so, here is my poem Hope you enjoy.
Monday, 18 March 2019
Snowmen At My Doorstep
If a you are a New comer to my Blog, every Monday we get to have 20mins of free writing. We get to write whatever we want. This week I have I have once again chosen a picture form Pobble 365. Hope You Enjoy.

Snowmen At My Door Step
Early Christmas Morning Me and my family woke up and had some Christmas Breakfast, we had Blueberry Pancakes. "Can we go outside and throw some Snow Balls" Maria said jumping around, "Sure just don't go far" My nan replied joyfully. So Maria and I went and put on our snow coats and ran outside. Bu before we stepped out our doorstep there was a crown full Of Snowmen, me and Maria didn't know either to be excited or afraid. "NAN" Maria Yelled loudly " What is it? Huh Oh My Gosh" My nan said with a wide jaw. " You should be fine go ahead" My nan said laughing. So me and Maria went and had fun with the snowmen. Probably the best Christmas Ever.
Monday, 11 March 2019
Free Writing:
Every Monday we get to have 20 minutes of Free Writing. In 20 minutes of Free Writing we get to write about anything we want, but we don't get to do it in a Google Doc, it just goes straight on to our Blog. Here is my Free Writing about a Picture I chose from Poble 365

Long Mountain is a small town that has a Long Mountain along the borders of Long Mountain. Long Mountain had never had a deadly storm before that's why non of the people at Long Mountain believed that there was gonna be a Deadly storm. The Reason to them not believing about the storms that was coming Long Mountain because, whenever a storm would head there way the Long Mountain around the boarders of their town would block cause of how high it is. Well one day as the town was having a nice glistened Sun upon them not realising about the Dark Miserable Black Cloud Coming there way. Mrs. Bubbles owns the famous Bakery in town where everyone goes for the amazing Scrambled Eggs with Bacon every morning. Well anyways Mr. Bubbles was sitting out of his shop and seen the Dark Miserable cloud and quickly thought to himself, "This cant be, our very first Deadly Storm". So Mr. bubbles went around warning everybody but they didn't believe so he decided if he blocked up his store then people will actually will come. So Mr. Bubbles went ad fenced up his store and said "If I were lying do you think I would be doing this?", then everyone realised the big Cloud above them and Quickly ran into Mr. Bubbles's Bakery to keep safe. 20 minutes later.... "Finally the Storm is over!" Mr. Bubbles said happily. After he had said that one of the men in the store stood up and said putting his head down, "We are sorry for not believing you" "That's ok maybe just next time believe me". After that one day everybody went home and settled down...

Long Mountain is a small town that has a Long Mountain along the borders of Long Mountain. Long Mountain had never had a deadly storm before that's why non of the people at Long Mountain believed that there was gonna be a Deadly storm. The Reason to them not believing about the storms that was coming Long Mountain because, whenever a storm would head there way the Long Mountain around the boarders of their town would block cause of how high it is. Well one day as the town was having a nice glistened Sun upon them not realising about the Dark Miserable Black Cloud Coming there way. Mrs. Bubbles owns the famous Bakery in town where everyone goes for the amazing Scrambled Eggs with Bacon every morning. Well anyways Mr. Bubbles was sitting out of his shop and seen the Dark Miserable cloud and quickly thought to himself, "This cant be, our very first Deadly Storm". So Mr. bubbles went around warning everybody but they didn't believe so he decided if he blocked up his store then people will actually will come. So Mr. Bubbles went ad fenced up his store and said "If I were lying do you think I would be doing this?", then everyone realised the big Cloud above them and Quickly ran into Mr. Bubbles's Bakery to keep safe. 20 minutes later.... "Finally the Storm is over!" Mr. Bubbles said happily. After he had said that one of the men in the store stood up and said putting his head down, "We are sorry for not believing you" "That's ok maybe just next time believe me". After that one day everybody went home and settled down...
And they have lived happily ever after... The end.
Friday, 8 March 2019
Kawa Of Care
For the past few weeks we have been working on a Kawa Of Care DLO (Digital Learning Object). Me and my big group made a slide with a screencastify (which is on the last side). We all decided that we will all do one Kawa Of Care rule each and the Kawa Of Care rules that we have done are, Don't Share your Password or Important information to anyone, Don't put them in random places, Don't Eat by your Chromebook, Extension Cords and Cyber Bullying. Here is my groups DLO. Hope you enjoy :)
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
For my spelling group this week, we had a task about homophones. What we had to do was use the its and it's to make a poster about what each one means. Here is mine and Miria's Poster for the homophones. Hope you enjoys :)
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
Inspirational Quotes
Last Year My teacher Whaea Jess made Quotes to stick around in our class. This year Whaea Dana and Whaea Jess wanted us to make Quotes for our two classrooms. Here is Inspirational Quote that I chose.
I chose this quote because I think that we don’t have to get to the expectation fast we just need to
get there without giving up. So you don’t have to be the fastest you just have DON’T GIVE UP!!
Hope you enjoyed :)
Monday, 4 March 2019
20 minutes Free Writing: The Black Cat (Pobble 365)
Good Morning, Good afternoon whatever time you read this, every Monday morning we get to have 20 minutes of Free Writing where we write whatever we want o to our blog. Here is mine for Week 6.

As you stare into these eyes of a Black Cat, your probably wondering hat his name is, well...his name is The Black Cat, very basic name. The Black Cat is a famous cat in the town called Cat Island. He is Famous for wining the most Blackest Cat in the world. He has won 14 years in a row. He takes after his dad. His mum and were killed when Animal War I came between the Dogs and Cats. They were both ripped up by two giant pit bulls, and Black Cat was only 4 years old. Ever since then he has been waiting for Animal War II to come so that he can destroy the two veracious pit bulls that ripped his parents to pieces. During his 14 years of wining the Most Blackest Cat Comp, Black Cat has been training for the next Animal War II, he has been doing 20 Cat push ups a day, he has been learning how to shoot cat balls at a target and he has been working on his Camouflage skills. Camouflaging for him is very all he has to do is go by a black area and close his eyes. One Sunny Day the Whole Cat Island was warn that the Dogs maybe coming that day to attack the cats, so when Black Cat woke up the next morning he quickly got all his gears and went will the Traditional Cat Army(TCA). 20 minutes later the Traditional Dog Army (TDA) came flying by on their planes and started shooting at the cats. Black cat was just waiting for the two biggest pit bulls to jump out of the plane, once they did Black cat just got out his Fur Ball gun and started shooting at the two pit bulls. By the time he shot the 4 bullet the two pit bulls were already dead. "That was for my parents" He said. After killing the two pit bulls Black Cat went home and relaxed, he was just glad that he killed the two pit bulls that took his parents away. Now Black Cat is cheerful as he could be, and lived happily ever after...

The Black Cat
As you stare into these eyes of a Black Cat, your probably wondering hat his name is, well...his name is The Black Cat, very basic name. The Black Cat is a famous cat in the town called Cat Island. He is Famous for wining the most Blackest Cat in the world. He has won 14 years in a row. He takes after his dad. His mum and were killed when Animal War I came between the Dogs and Cats. They were both ripped up by two giant pit bulls, and Black Cat was only 4 years old. Ever since then he has been waiting for Animal War II to come so that he can destroy the two veracious pit bulls that ripped his parents to pieces. During his 14 years of wining the Most Blackest Cat Comp, Black Cat has been training for the next Animal War II, he has been doing 20 Cat push ups a day, he has been learning how to shoot cat balls at a target and he has been working on his Camouflage skills. Camouflaging for him is very all he has to do is go by a black area and close his eyes. One Sunny Day the Whole Cat Island was warn that the Dogs maybe coming that day to attack the cats, so when Black Cat woke up the next morning he quickly got all his gears and went will the Traditional Cat Army(TCA). 20 minutes later the Traditional Dog Army (TDA) came flying by on their planes and started shooting at the cats. Black cat was just waiting for the two biggest pit bulls to jump out of the plane, once they did Black cat just got out his Fur Ball gun and started shooting at the two pit bulls. By the time he shot the 4 bullet the two pit bulls were already dead. "That was for my parents" He said. After killing the two pit bulls Black Cat went home and relaxed, he was just glad that he killed the two pit bulls that took his parents away. Now Black Cat is cheerful as he could be, and lived happily ever after...
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