Tuesday 31 August 2021

Future Planning Reflection.

 So far in term 3, we have been based around the topic of Future Planning, and we've been focused on the Working World. All things of jobs, interviews we had covered in this topic. 

Firstly, we were tasked to actually choose 3 jobs to look into on a website we were given. I had chosen Secondary School Teacher, Pharmacy Technician, and just as a fill I did Bank Worker. We looked into things like the wages, skills we’d need to have for this job, and also the different tasks you’d have to do. From there we narrowed it down to 1 job and we continued to make an Interview for this job, or any job that you’d want to go for. To plan for our interview we were given a doc with different things like that we had to fill which were hobbies, goals, values, and a few more. After pointing all these things out we had to put in a paragraph and filmed ourselves reading the paragraph. 

During this time we were unfortunate to be hit with Covid once again as a result of our second lock down. Due to this event, we returned to the online schooling via Google Meets. I must say it’s been a challenge because I’m more used to being physically present in a class. Considering I’ve come to my cousin's house for the lock down it hasn’t been hard to focus. It's been easier considering they are also working as well, but I still rather be in a more time-managed class room and being able to ask a teacher a question without the whole class having to hear you. Despite all of that, All of my classes have been amazing, and I hope everyone is doing well in their bubbles.

1 comment:

  1. I think you would make a fabulous secondary school teacher Jacque- but turn up late or your students will growl you.
