Tuesday 15 June 2021

Are 2 senses better than 1 ?

For my Science Fair project I will be looking into the Rates of Reactions and if using 1 of the senses is better than using 1. For example, I'd be using a ruler and seeing how quick it takes a person to grab that ruler using either the sense of sight, hearing or both of them combined. I hope to solve which sense is stronger. Will they be better off on their own, or together ? 


  1. Hi Jacque I really like the topic you chose especially because our class doesn't have to do it. I think your topic is very interesting because people dont realise everything we do actually can be used in science. Blog ya later

  2. Update on my Science Fair Project:

    My goal today is to get my write up started and do a bit of research of about senses. I just found out I have to test at least 30 people, so I'll also be figuring out how to do that.
