Monday 24 May 2021

Speech Reflection:

To kick off our topic of Leadership for Social Studies. Whaea Muritere made us do speeches. Half of the reason was because she heard about English Speeches so she wanted us to do one for Social Studies. We were given the task to write a 2 minute speech about anything along the lines of Leadership. The one issue I had with this speech was time. The speeches were assigned right on the week of the kapa haka regional so time was not on my side. I had decided to have the speech in 1 week so that I didn't have to worry about it too much afterwards. So although I had a somewhat decent speech done, I feel it could've been more depth and detailed. In the end we had been given a whole extra week to get them done, so rushed for nothing but oh well. I based my speech on the 3 main attributes I thought made a true leader those being Humility, Confidence, and Dedication. Here is my speech for you... 


There is a saying that goes 'actions speak louder than words' which to me in a nutshell is what a true leader is all about. Leading from the front, putting the needs of others first. When there is a problem a true leader stand us for their team and takes the full grunt of the ridicule and wears it on the chin. All of what I've shared is part and parcel of the three main attributes that signify a true leader. 

Firstly, be Humble. As a leader the achievements are not defined to the individual. But a true leader gives credit to where credit is due, that being to their group, peers, and those who have helped in getting them to where they are. 

Secondly, be Confident. Let your yes be a yes, and your no be a no. A true leader is able to stand up accordingly and be that person that people can always rely on to do what needs to be done, and say what needs to be said. 

Lastly, be Dedicated. Sylvester Stallone quotes 'It ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you take and keep moving forward'. That's the dedication of a true leader, taking the hits, taking everything and still being able to continue. 

In closing this what a true leader would say "Whenever you call me, I'll be there. Whenever you want me, I'll be there. Whenever you need me, I'll be there. I'll be around." (Song: The Spinners - I'll be around)

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Tu meke Jacquelyn, what a wonderful and confident sounding speech. I'm so impressed that you completed your mahi in the tight time frame you were given, that shows you have commitment and take responsibility. I'm sure there will be many times in your life when you are pushed to meet a deadline and the circumstances may not be to your liking so opportunities like these help you prepare for such events.
    How did the kapa haka regionals go?
