Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Leadership, Government, and Democracy.

 In Social Studies we have been looking into Leadership, Government, and Democracy. 

Firstly, Leadership. We mainly looked at what we thought a leader is and the 3 common attributes I chose were Humility, Confidence, and Dedication. 

Secondly, Democracy. I learned that Democracy is a Government System where the community chooses who they want for Government in elections every 3 years. 

Lastly, the Government. Government is a wide group of people whose aim is better for the country. 

These topics are relevant because 1 it is the name of our topic and 2, there is actually a ‘Democratic Government’ where the Government of that country abides by Democracy. We can also link Leadership into our schools. One of our activities was an Hierarchy of Leaders in our school and we looked into the positions they hold, and the importance of their roles. An extension of work that I had done was an action change regarding Marae Funding and how money should be given to marae to rebuild our whare. Rebuilding our whare begins the rebuilding of our tikanga and Reo. This topic challenged my thinking by learning the different types of councils and what each has to do individually for our communities. Overall this unit was very educating with not only Leadership,  Government, and Democracy but also who these people are and what they do for us and I am very thankful to those who have taken hold of those positions.