Tuesday 15 June 2021

Are 2 senses better than 1 ?

For my Science Fair project I will be looking into the Rates of Reactions and if using 1 of the senses is better than using 1. For example, I'd be using a ruler and seeing how quick it takes a person to grab that ruler using either the sense of sight, hearing or both of them combined. I hope to solve which sense is stronger. Will they be better off on their own, or together ? 

Friday 4 June 2021

Leadership within our School

 Kia Ora, and today I will be reflecting on our topic ‘Leadership within our School’. 

We were given the task to make a Hierarchy about Leadership that is in our school. At the top, I had put the Ministry of Education and bottom was us students. We’d name the positions and all the names of people that take part of those roles. 

I have learnt in depth who takes up these important roles within our school and who to acknowledge in what they do. 

Another topic which I’ve completed that I think relates to this assignment is my ‘Leadership Speech’. In my speech, I talk about the three main attributes of a true leader, and one of which  is dedication. The Hierarchy shows us the people who have dedicated their time and selves to our school. 

Overall, I’ve realised that leaders aren’t only the people that are doing things for our country, but they are also people making changes within our school. I have taken notice of these people, and will forever thank them for providing the best possible experience for my school life.